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This Limestone Full Groove Axe was heavily used by it's owner. It is 3¾ inches by 3¼ inches and was found in a rockshelter in Ruterford Co., Tn.
I purchased this Lostlake from a friend of mine. It was found in a plowed field in Trousdale Co., Tn.. He said it was the only piece of flint in the whole field. It is 2 inchs long and 1¾ inches wide. What a lucky dog!

This Nutting Stone was found in a rockshelter/cave in Pickett Co.,Tn.. It is 3¼ inches wide and 1½ inch thick. When I had found it on that particular day, I forgot to take it with me. Luckily, this rockshelter is in the middle of nowhere, and was still there when I went back two weeks later.

Here's a Kirk that was found in Davidson Co.,Tn.. It is 3 and three-eights inches long. Great piece!

I traded this fine Dalton point from Leroy Irons at a C.S.A.S show, for a fine pair of Benton Blades. It is not native to the Tn./Ky. region. It is 2 and five-eights inches long and is featured in Vol. #5 of Who's Who. It's one of my favorite point types. Isn't it everybodys? Sorry about the "not so good" picture. The others didn't come out very good either. Maybe it's the flint type.

This fat 3¼ inch Eva was found by a friend of mine on the shores of Cordell Hull, in Jackson Co., Tn. during winter pool when the Corps of Engineers pulls the lake (river) down.

This Hornstone Motley was found in Logan Co., Ky.. It is 1½ inches long, and heavily resharpened.

Some Paint Cups, and a Mortar. The Mortar, which is 5¼ inches in diameter, has a perfectly convexed back. All were collected in Cheatham Co.,Tn.

This original Savage Cave came out of Kentucky. It is 1½ inches by 1 inch wide. I picked it up after my buddy walked right passed it.(Hee Hee) I've done that to him on more than one occasion.

This Morrow Mountian was found in Rutherford Co., Tn. It is 2 inches by 1¼ inches. Excellent flaking!


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