i saved everything. everything. everything you wrote. everything that smelledliketastedlike- remindedmeof you. i saved all of the drawings and the polaroids and the money that i needed just so that i could one day save you. i saved your soul in a little red box by my bed. i saved my time and your time and all of the time. and i saved my breath because you said you wanted it that you'd take it that you'd love it like it was yours that you'd save it for me until you came back. so i waited my life away and i was a fool to think that you'd wait for me, that you'd wait two fucking minutes and now i'm in the cliche. i'm wasting my eyes away and when you never came back i was handhandheartarmsfingerstoeshead(on crooked)feetbloodSTOPPED. i didn't feel you anymore and all that i'd saved was just one big waste of life, a complete waste of thought. it was never part of me and what i wanted back was everything.