What IS speech-language pathology? It is the study of human communication, its development, and its disorders. A speech-language pathologist is a professional who is educated in these areas, and who, by "evaluating the speech and language skills of children and adults...determines what communication problems exist and the best way to treat them." -American Speech-Language and Hearing AssociationAs a masters student in speech-language pathology, I found myself doing a lot of personal research on the web. I found that sites that provided lists of links were very helpful in my searches, so I decided to give a little back. The purpose of this webpage is the provide such a collection of links and other resources that can prove helpful to other students of speech pathology, professionals, and anyone else who is interested. ************************************************************************* NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I am interested in research involving speech and language therapy in an outdoor/experiential learning setting. If you know of any current studies, please drop me a line by clicking on the link below! ************************************************************************* Here's a list of links to other sites on the web, in no particular order. (If you discover a dead link, please email me and let me know!) ![]()