The Eight Pokemon Leaders and Their Badges

1st Row: Erika, Lt. Surge, Misty, Brock.
2nd Row: Giovanni, Blaine, Sabrina, Koga.

1) Brock from Pewter City gives you the Boulder Badge. It increases your pokemon's power and lets you use flash in and out of battles.

2) Misty from Cerulean City gives you the Cascade Badge. It lets pokemon up to level 30 obey your commands and allows you to use cut in and out of battles.

3) Lt. Surge from Vermillian City gives you the Thunder Badge. It increases pokemon's speed and lets you use fly in and out of battles.

4) Erika from Celadon City gives you the Rainbow Badge. It makes pokemon up to level 50 obey your commands and it lets you use strength in and out of battle.

5) The Dojo in Saffron Citygives you a choice between Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan if you win.

Sabrina from Saffron City gives you the Marsh Badge. It makes pokemon up to level 70 obey your commands.

6) Koga from Fushia City gives you the Soul Badge it lets you use surf in and out of battle.

7) Blaine from Cinnabar Island gives you the Volcano Badge which increases your pokemon's special abilities.

8) Giovani of Viridian City gives you the Earth Badge which makes all pokemon obey you.