Obsessed With Writing:
Here are links to some of the pieces I've written for Tripod and the San Francisco Bay Guardian, plus some never-before-seen tidbits. Discover what I've got to say about Martha Stewart, email humor, books that every hipster reads, and more. (Incidentally, I'm looking for an agent for some book projects I have in mind!)
San Francisco Bay Guardian:
- Simply Fun: Back To Basic Toys
- Xmas shopping guide
- Insiders' Guide 1997: "Road Trip Thrifts" (Redwood City)
- Insiders' Guide 1997: "Fleaing the Scene" (SF Flea Markets)
Get off the Grid: the Difficult Pursuit of Simplicity
- Simplify your life? Easier said than done.
- Drive time: The world of Personal Achievement Radio
- Local station broadcasts nonstop "self-improvement" messages.
- Insiders' Guide 1998: Pets R.I.P.
- So how DO you get rid of dead cat if you live in an apartment with no backyard? I found out.
- You Want It When?! Office humor goes high-tech
- Xeroxed urban folklore evolves into email's amusements/annoyances.
- A hipster's canon: The five-foot shelf of books everybody's reading now.
- Or at least keeping on their bookshelves.
- Easy as A - Z
- Another holiday shopping guide.
- Insiders' Guide 1999: Vegas in Colma
- How to approximate the Vegas experience without going far from San Francisco.
- The Cult of Martha Stewart
- Where would I be without Martha to kick around?
- Ask the Handy Girls
- I'm one of six occasional contributors who answer Tripod readers' home fix-it questions.
- What Turns Moms Into Zombies, and other questions
- Speaking out on a topic I know a great deal about.
- Smart Shopping with Supermarket Membership Cards
- Should you trade privacy for bargains?
- Looking for Frank: Vegas After Sinatra
- A quick travel tale.
- Dreaming in HTML
- To sleep, perchance to hack code...
About, but not by, me:
Visit a Garage Sale at my house!
Bonus! Trip Report! Not available in stores!
Every time I take a vacation, I write up some of the highlights and email the tale to all of my friends. Usually these stories don't go beyond my circle of acquaintances, but just this once I'm going to try "publishing" it for a wider audience by posting it here. This report, "Chappufrino and Other Delights," covers my July 1998 trip to Ohio, and while it's reasonably amusing in itself, it also serves as a sequel to the "Tales of Ordinary Midwest" issue of the SSQ&CPM.
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