Oyasin Standing Elk
INYAN OYATE Invokes Cycle Of Cause And Effect
For the Spiritual Law of Karma, the Stone People have sent their
I am the Crystal People here today to speak for the Stone Nations
of Mother Earth: to remind the Peoples to be in contact with the
Wisdom Keepers of their planet and to remember their roles in
present and ancient times with the Stone People's Medicine.
The Stone Nations are the Keepers of the Wisdom of the Ages.
Mother Earth Herself adorns the Stone People with Her
Consciousness. Our memories are one with Hers.
Therefore, if you seek to enter into the understanding of the
teachers of our Holy Mother Earth, you may take that pathway
through the Crystal Door, the Arch of the Crystal Nations. At
this hour in the changes, the Stone Relations have released to
the human beings the memory of ancient times.
These memories are many bundles that the Stone Nations have held
for the Two-Legged - bundles of victory and of defeat. These
bundles are the memory of who you are and what you have done upon
the face of Mother Earth. There is great responsibility that is
now flying to your bodies. The Stone Nations have declared,
"Spiritual Law of Karma!" They will no longer carry the
burdens of the Two-Leggeds. Now these bundles are those bundles
that you have prepared for yourself. Should they be pain and
labor or should they be bliss in the Seventh Realm, what you have
made is coming to you now. Thus, the Stone Nations have set into
effect the cycles of Cause and Effect.
Yet know first, that the Energetic Signature and the Wisdom sent
to the human beings upon the frequencies (13:20::11:11) - these
Teachings of Old that you understand-are coming to you like the
Spirit of Light. They will awaken your memory that is housed
within the halls of the DNA. The very Crystalline structures
within the Molecular awareness of your Being are awakening with
treasurers old and foretold. If you need assistance to balance
this Cause and Effect that you did set up for yourself through
ages past, the Stone and Crystal People will be your helpers.
Among the Stone Nations, the Crystal People have chosen this
For our many Relations that cover the Earth are very tired of the
heavy footsteps of human being. They would see human being grow
very fast. It was selected among our clans that the Crystal
People will be your helpers. And so, should your burdens prove to
be too great for you, then enter through that Doorway, that Arch,
of the Crystal People - going within . . . praying. . . and
channeling frequencies to the benefit of all with the assistance
of one of the Crystal Nation.
Then, those inner changes which may cause you difficulties will
smooth like the graceful flow of the spring river. (For those of
you who are too cold in your heart, this may feel like icebergs
flowing through your veins). So, too, in your prayers and in your
meditations, apply the Rainbow Light
the Crystal Peoples to feed your aura, to feed your chakras, to
feed the gates of your spine. For we and you are related. Should
you need assistance and understandings of the Crystal Nations,
you may call upon the Whale Peoples as well.
Their Memory Song is the activation language of the Crystal
Peoples. Thus, through your voice, sing your Celestial Song
through the frequencies that we will create together. And then,
that cycle of Cause and Effect which has been known as Karma will
become a friend and no longer will you feel so terrible. For
Karma will be transformed - as soon as you are ready - into that
Dharma of Paradise. Then Grace, with the Grandmothers and the
Relations, will be yours.
Standing Elk
Canku Woksape Wicasa
Mazaska Wicahpi Waste Wi
Standing Elk is one of seven Sundance Chiefs from the Yankton
Sioux reservation. He is an emissary for Ista Wanzi (One Eye),
Hehaka Wi (Elk Woman), Nape To (Archangel Michael), The Seven
Sisters (Blue Star Woman, Red Star Woman, White Star Woman, Corn
Woman, Turtle Woman, The Divine Mother and the White Buffalo Calf
Woman). He his one of many messengers for the Holy Nations, the
Star Nations and the Ascended Realms.
In 1994 he was given some information by
three Orion teachers concerning some symbols. These symbols were
translated in their Sweat Lodge ceremonies by his Grandson
Deerman. He then asked for help into refining the information.
There were two individuals who were instructed by their guides to
help. There names are Canku Woksape Wicasa and Mazaska Wicahpi
Waste Wi. They were instructed to go into ceremony for further
instructions. They had nightly ceremonies in Rapid City, South
Dakota and many Spirit Guides came to offer their message for the
These symbols were to be known as the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan
("Earth Star Ways") There are 11 Universal Laws and 11
Spiritual Laws. The Spirit cited them as the 11:11. The Universal
Laws are feminine and the Spiritual Laws are masculine. There are
three guardians to each symbol. The first guardian is from the
Holy nations, the second guardian is from the Star Nations and
the third guardian for each symbol is from the Ascended Realms.
His instructions during this age is to share the teachings of the
Maka Wicahpi Wicohan (The Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator),
The Iktomi Wicahpi Wicohan, (The Sacred Star Spider Ways) and the
Anpao Wicahpi Wicohan (The MorningStar Ways).
The Divine Plan by Which One can Live is a day by day plan given
to the three teachers of the 11:11, Standing Elk, Canku Woksape
Wicasa and Mazaska Wicahpi Waste Wi. This plan materialized as
channeled messages from the Holy nations, Star Nations and the
Ascended Realms for the Ascension Ways of Mankind.
Mitakuye Oyasin
Standing Elk