A.J.'s Biography

A.J. McLean

Full name: Alexander James McLean
Birthday: January 9, 1978
Birthplace: West Palm Beach, Florida
Star Sign: Capricorn
Nicknames: A.J., Bone
Pets: A Dachshund named Toby Wan Kanobi
Hobbies: Dancing, writing poetry, basketball, shooting pool, shopping.
First Job: Playin' 'Dopey' in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in grade school
Odd Fact: A.J. is a pupteer who worked on the Nickelodeon show Welcome Freshmen.
Future Goal: To get a college degree
He's Most Likely To: Dare you to buy that crazy dress, A.J.'s sense of style is outrageous!


Musical Instrument: Bass Guitar
Color: Yellow
Food: McDonald's
Film: Pulp Fiction
TV Show: Seinfeld
Film Stars: Dustin Hoffman, Geena Davis
Cologne: CK One
Foreign City: Paris
School Subject: English
What he looks for in a girl: "I like their eyes, Honestly. I know that most guys would not agree with me, but the first thing that I look at...is eyes. I have to look in her eyes because if I could look deep past those eyes like, 'WOW!' And I like long hair. Short hair is...just as nice, but I like long hair. I don't care if they are fat, skinny, tall, short..."

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