This is me!
Hi! My name is Yarden. I was born in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 9th, 1994. (That means that I'm almost 2 and a half now!) I am very tall for my age, and look a lot like my daddy! I have a nanny named Ivana who comes every weekday to play with me and we have lots of fun together! At least once a week I go to the Dana Children's Hospital in Tel Aviv, for either treatment or a blood count. I am very brave and try not to cry, but sometimes I can't help it. Mommy says it's OK to cry. My favorite movies are: Toy Story and Sound of Music, but I like to watch lots of different song videos too! My favorite stuffed animals are Pooh the Bear, Lou Lou the dog, and Booba the dolly. I also have a little Kuala bear, a little grey bear, a snoopy, a Pocahontas, Woody and Buzz and lots of other friends. I love to draw pictures, and lately have been coloring a lot in my coloring books. I can almost keep inside the lines. That's who I am - as my mommy says - I am a cool dude!
Life is like a jigsaw puzzle, but you don't have the picture on the front of the box to know what it's supposed to look like. Sometimes, you're not even sure if you have all the pieces.
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