Benjamin Sisko
Name: Benjamin Sisko
Planet of Birth: Earth
Species: Human
Benjamin Sisko was the Starfleet officer who took command of Deep Space Nine after the Cardassians withdrew from Bajor in 2369. Sisko made contact with life-forms known as the Prophets to the Bajoran people. Becuase of this, the religous leader, Kai Opaka, said that Sisko was the Emmisarry, the one who would save the Bajoran people. He felt uncomfortable with this role but thought that he should respect the Bajorans' beliefs.
Ben Sisko entered Starfleet Academy in 2350. During his first few weeks there, he beamed back to his home in New Orleans every night for dinner with his parents. Early in his Starfleet career, the then Ensign Sisko was mentored by Curzon Dax, a Trill whom Sisko met at Pelios Station, before the two served aboard the USS Livingston.
Benjamin later served aboard the starship Okinawa under Captain Leyton. Sisko was interested in engineering but Leyton saw a leader in Ben so he promoted Sisko to lieutenant commander , making him the ship's first officer.
Sisko served aboard the USS Saratoga with the rank of lieutenant commander when it was destroyed in the battle of Wolf 359. Sisko was then assigned to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on Mars for three years. One of his projects while stationed there was working on the design for the experimental starship Defiant. Sisko also worked on Earth directing the construction of orbital habitats. After that he was promoted to Commander and assigned to Deep Space Nine. One of his staff was Science Officer Jadzia Dax, a Trill who now carried the memories of Curzon Dax.