Syngyn Hawke

Six years ago a very large and very old Grayhawk dragon swooped down from above the clouds and headed toward the free city of Grayhawk. In its claws hung the limp body of a young adult male. The dragon flew to a field within sight of the city and landed. Placing the body of the male on the lush spring grass, the dragon nudged the body, almost as it would one of its own babies and then took to the air. After circling for several minutes it turned and flew off with one briefe look back to the field.

Townspeople flooded the field to see what the dragon had so caringly left. There, the found a young man lying unconscious. He had no means of identification save the holy mark of St. Cuthbert tatooed each forearm.

The people took the young man to the god's temple and left him with the priests there, none of whom knew anything about who he was.

The young man lay unconscious for several days and then finally awoke. When asked his name he could not give one. His memory failed him in all areas and noone could discover his history. Even the hig cleric of the temple could get no clues through his prayers.

The young man had no direction but eventually felt the call of the priesthood, perhaps because of the tatoos on his arms ore perhaps because of the influence of the priests who became his only known family.

He studied in the ways of the priesthood, learned spells, and then learned the healing art.

Five years later he went back out into the world to travel and and be of help to the people he met along the way. He occasionally joined adventuring parties to earn mony to survive and to lead him into new areas where he could serve his god.

He dresses as do the clerics of his order, the Billets order of St. Cuthbert, in plain browns and russet colors. He is tall average height and a bit heavy. His has dark brown hair with pale brown eyes. His skin is tanned from ours in the sun. On each forearm is a tattoo of St. Cuthbert's holy symbol, the oaken cudgel.

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Last modified 10/19/99