This is THE best Christmas house in Richmond that know of, located on Asbury Drive. Go down Quiocassin Road away from Regency Square, pass Byrd Middle School, then Regency Woods apartments. Get in the left hand turning lane, turn left onto Westridge, bear right and follow the traffic to the next right which is Asbury Road and you're there.

Here's a view of this awesome spectacle from across the street.

As seen from right across the street

America's Hottest Craze, The Rugrats!

Candy Land, remember that game?

Another Rugrat!


Sylvester And Tweety

The Bartman

It's the great Christmas tree lot, Charlie Brown

This is the biggest doll display I have ever seen without being in a toy store. The cool thing about these guys is that most of them move and speak. You can't tell from this photo, but the family that put this whole thing together is using their entire sunroom for this display.

So, what did you think of this page? Email me. Thanks and Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Quanza, etc..

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