Gavin Quotes

"Why do I keep getting fucking misquoted?"

"You're not worth the piss in my toilet"

" Your gorgeous!" ~The first thing Gavin said to Gwen

"My best appearence is by my dog. I like to bring him on, he just sits there and kind of hangs out."

"I was good looking way before i was successful."

"It's been so f**king good for us!" ~said at last concert of the tour at Great Woods Mass.

"He's got good taste that boy" ~Gwen Stefani when asked what she thought of gavin

"He's the most sickening romantic guy i've ever met" ~Gwen Stefani

"I make no apologies for following my heart."

"I hate being dependant on other people because for the most part people will let you down. It's the sad truth about humanity and it's not one person's fault, it's the fact they have their own agendas."

"Music is the calming force within us all."

"What kind of crap do I talk?"

"When life get's too hard, get a tattoo on your ass."

"I don't consider weed a drug, it's a sauce - like salt on your food."

"Some days are good, some days are bad. Somedays you feel happy, and sometimes everything is zen!!"

"I always felt a bit like any person feels, that I didn't fit in anywhere."

"Who fucking cares?"

"If the next record goes well we'll buy another." ~speaking to Winston after he has chewed up his tennis ball.

"Wild sex is great."

"I think that, um, it's about that really difficult question of, um, again this is just a thread of it, but the difficulty of, ah, having friendships without actually, um, what is keeping them platonic, I suppose, ~sigh/laugh~, keeping them platonic after awhile." ~on "Body"

"You know, I wasn't the dreamer wishing I was a rock star while I was growing up."

"The money doesn't change stuff. You're still strung out, people still piss you off. You become more alienated. So it's not easy, it's crazy."

"I am in that same position that has driven some people loopy. I'm not just coming in for a week and trying it on, I'm in it. It's on me. And I know it takes a lot of mental strenth to keep yourself together."

"You do get 'road fit' and 'gig fit' when you're away so much. You get dark days when you're 5,000 miles away from home and 5,000 miles away form the person sitting next to you."

"Bush is in da house!"

"I'm a good fighter. People have criticized me about things where I haven't been aware of those fallibilities. It's not like I wander round in a cloud of ego thinking that I'm fucking God's gift and I have to have a new pair of leather pants for each venture. I'm fully aware of everything... There are so many bands I think are really brilliant and I don't understand why I'm successful and they're not as successful."

"I can see and hear every motherfucking one of you!!!"

"He'll [Winston] get all my guitar's when I die."

"I guess that means that there are too many ugly people in the music business at the moment" ~on being a sex symbol.

"If you heve 38 stitches and a head wound you don't feel like getting laid"

"Never trust a hippie"

"If you lose track of why you are there making the music, you're following sort of just disapates and falls away"

"I love playing live, I need the reaction of the audience"

"Well, I do have a brain inside my so-called pretty fucking average good-looking head"

" No! I'm like anyone. I have days when I hate anything to do with any kind of mirror . But i just get on with it."

"Did you know that God spelled backwards is Dog?"

"I'm not itchy to go out all night long"

"I think we've always been the favorite of people out there. The real people as opposed to the nonreal people."

"With life you cope with things as they come along, whatever they are, you cope with them well or badly"

"I have this bizzare hared for wearing matching socks, it makes me feel overly dressed."

"I don't have a fetish for worn underwear."