Lobacheva and Averbukh were great. Krylova and Ovsiannikov pushed their edges, and Anissina and Peizerat had a very difficult program.
In the ladies', were there ten gold medals so we could just give them all one? Michelle. Yulia. Anna. Everybody. Even Tonia, for heaven's sake! And silver medals all the way down to Du Yankun. Elegance. Class. Stretch. Line. They were broadcasting in color? Where was Jim McKay?
Enough until next fall. Have fun on Tour!
So closes the skating competitive season. I still don't guarantee I'll be real sane. But at least I won't have that excuse.
Thank you, one and all.
Waaah. Get over it.
We can't. We keep crying. We keep sobbing.
All of us, in ways we may not even notice, are reacting to the death of the Princess of Wales. Why? What has she meant to us? And why are people whom I believe when they say they (consciously) do not care about the royals, or Diana, or anything, acting grief-stricken anyway? Even though they may not know it?
I hated her guts. Thought she was a flippy little bimbette with no hope of recovery. Then why am I making a memorial page for her? Flowers, chocolates, charity links and all? Wow. Why?
Why is all this happening?
To us. To me. Why?
Why indeed? I've been crying that since she died. Why did a sitting Queen have to bow her head to the casket of a mere Spencer? If we're so grief-stricken and media-conscious in the wake of such a horrible camera-fed death (and I will maintain to the end that it was. For an icon like that, there was no other way than speeding into a tunnel at (however many it was) miles per hour in a rented (well, I thought it was a BMW) with an honor guard of paparazzi on her tail. Live hard, die young, and at least attempt to leave a good-looking corpse. I wonder what her last words were.) why are we still hassling the boys?
I still have this image of a frail, skinny hand reaching out from a hospital bed to grasp the lever of the fabled British press and pull it to a stop. All gears crunching. Final score: Diana 1, Press 0. She must've flipped a bird at them. Sleep? No!
Why did we let our culture collapse to the point where the death of one woman affected us all so badly? What can we do about it? And will we go on? I estimate that that woman took out a skitch over 50% of our modern culture in that car crash. 50%. Half. Plus about half a corgi's tail. (I have this thing about corgis. Don't know why. Expect to find out.)
I understand the royals have very good senses of humor. God, I hope so. Somebody warn them. I don't want William's feelings hurt.
Yes, he is reported to be very active on the Net. Yes, those fingers look capable of operating a mouse. Yes, he has a mind of his own.
I write for my words to be read by Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Prince William. There is a good chance that they will stop by, in between emailing each other, feeding the dog, and kicking a soccer ball. (What you guys call football. Further translation may be found here.)
I advise the rest of you to do the same. They're out there. C'mon, if the Queen makes a practice of checking the tabloids every morning to see what's said about her family (and if it isn't true, it should be), yuou know they're checking by here.
As if I'll ever know.
Curtsies, Ma'am, Your Big-Earedness, Your Royal Gorgeousness. Enjoy it.
Further commentary on the royals may be found here.
(All right, William fans, here. Don't drool on the keyboard.)
News and Reference Section
Sometimes you just got to have it all in one place.
Royal news compiled from several Web sources
the BBC
the London Times
New Music Express
Lots of Other UK Papers (including Private Eye)
International Newspapers
the British Politics Site
The British Monarchy (official site)
This Heinous Royal FAQ (alt.talk.royalty)
Critical Thinking
Weather at Althorp House
Weather in London
British Tourism and Geography
Lots of Cool British Stuff
British History, Etc.
Just Everything on Britain
Currency Converter
A Selection of Dictionaries
Great Shakespeare Site
Cool Chaucer Site
Neat Milton Site
Awesome Douglas Adams Site
Wonderful Anthony Burgess Site
Excellent Anthony Trollope Site
All Kinds of Cool Helpful English Stuff
Highest-traffic reference site in Europe? Ladies and gentlemen, here's Bigfoot!
Gotta love the Mirror! (And right here on Sundays!) It's the ultimate check on British culture: What's going on over there?
Hmmmph -- last time I tried to post some cool Mirror stories as links, they faded within a day or two. Will this happen again? I'll give it another shot at some point, but that was rather unnerving. I like to maintain an archive for my visitors. We'll see...
But ya gotta wonder: Fact, fantasy, or science fiction?
Special emphasis right now: World Cup.
More British culture stuff can be found here.
A few other interesting things about James:
Welcome, James. If you should flit through here in ghost form with maybe an evanescent mousepad or something holding up your phantom mouse, may these words scrolling up on your spirit-form screen not displease you. Good heavens, I've tried my best.
Oh. Another thing about James: He tended to write a hell of a lot.
They can't ban me. This is the Internet.
So here's a present for you, James. The Irish laugh at both life and death. Or is it about life and death?
Another present for you. In case you're thirsty.
And if you really want to know what they're saying.....check here.
Lord, they do talk, don't they?
Four words. Both the beginning and the end of the book.
They sum it all up.
"riverrun, past eve and adam's,"
Dammit, James, I'm still trying!
I've even got a page up for you. See?
And I learned to write from this bitchy Chicago columnist named Mike Royko. He was incorrigible (dictionary is above). He gave as good as he got. You did not, repeat not, mess with him in print.
Other book stuff can be found here.
Clothes. Clothes. Clothes.
For a different look at how clothes affect your fortune, click here.
Music stuff goes in here. Don't be surprised to find examples from other disciplines. Everything affects everything else.
Catch the kitty. Kitty likes to play!
Okay. Listings of student home pages.
The official site.
I think what I'm actually rather mad about is that a lot of people who come through this page haven't ever had a chance to get the education they've wanted. So maybe this will in some way suffice. Next up: Let's go to Yale!
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