Rumors. Hmmmm? What About Them?
Rumors, rumors, rumors. What do you do with them? Problem is, most people don't know how to handle rumors. We pretend it's a story about someone else, when actually it's a story about ourselves. We simply project it onto the lives of those we talk about. To help you analyze these and other rumors, I'm going to throw some questions at you.
- Why would you want to pass this on to someone else?
- Why would you not want to pass this on to someone else?
- How is this like something that happened to you recently?
- How is this unlike something that happened to you recently?
- Why would you want to do this?
- Why would you not want to do this?
- How do you feel about this?
- How do you imagine someone else would feel about this?
- How do you imagine the person the rumor is about would feel about this?
- How do you imagine the person the rumor affects would feel about this?
Ladies, gentlemen, and other royalwatchers, there is the beginning of a myth. Myths help us explain our world to ourselves. We find stability in the midst of chaos with myths. They tell us the world is okay.
For more looks at mythology, ancient and modern, you may want to look at these sites:
Royal Mythology
Arthurian Mythology, Etc.
Ancient Celtic Mythology, Etc.
Appalachian Folklore
Urban Folklore
US Political Folklore
Everyday Folklore
Cosmic Folklore
Televised Folklore
What do you think?