Short stories...true stories.
Take a walk with me, through the pages that tell the many tales of my “LIFE’S JOURNEY!”.
We begin this journey when an infant was thrust into the world, ten weeks early – at home. She stayed there, because she was expected to die: but God had other plans. Come with me as this walking, talking miracle comes to know parents who fell in and then out of love.
Experience the rejection of separation; and then the anger and rage of an abusive stepfather. See how nature became her only source of solace: her only place to turn for comfort – and how Father God met her there. He also brought her future husband into her life, when both were in their mid-teens; and how they grew up together.
Walk with me through the maze of birthing a lot of children, in rapid succession - the many problems and the many joys that accompanied them. The dark cloud of divorce was looming overhead, and God again stepped into her life: she and her husband had life-transforming experiences.
Journey down the many paths that she traveled, in search of a closer walk with God. Experience the many “bunny trails” and also, the many times of refreshing; learning true discernment – finding more of God, in her search.
Go deep into her innermost thoughts; see what is in her heart; and then, share what she experienced…in her spirit. A warm welcome and invitation to join her…as the pages of “LIFE’S JOURNEY!” … unfold.
Twenty-Plus Years...Later!
Time marches on…and time waits for no one. Where have all the years gone? They really do whiz past!
This is what has been happening in our lives, since the last time I added material into “LIFE'S JOURNEY!”
Well, my husband and I will soon be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary! (September 1st) It doesn’t seem possible. When I look at my “honey”…I see the young man that I married; the young man whom I have known since I was 15 years old and he was 17 years old.We went steady all that time, and married 3 1/2 years later.
I see the man who walked down that church aisle, wearing his United States Air Force uniform. I see the man whom I traveled across the country with, as a new bride; to make our first home near the military air base (McChord A.F.B. in Tacoma, WA).
Where have the years gone? …faster than sand in an hourglass…they slipped away!
We went from teenagers, to newly-weds…to first-time parents; and second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, nineth – and the two miscarriages.
We raised our children…knew the joys and the sorrows. We learned what it was like to see each one of them mature and leave home…we learned what the phrase “empty nest” was all about.
The joys of becoming grandparents…yes, we have known them. As the years sped on…we saw these grandchildren grow up. We had more time to spend on them, than we had…while raising our own children. It’s like we had a second chance…the chance to enjoy our grandchildren. To give them the time that we had so little of, while our own children were growing up.
And, in the blink of an eye…they, too, were grown up…married; and we now know the joy of great, grandchildren. Now, we have a whole lot of time… but, alas, we do not have the energy to do very much with these active ‘little people’. To watch them, in their play…even that, is tiring to us. So much energy…they have: and so little energy, we now have.
Our lives together weren’t always as happy as we had wanted them to be; we had our ups and our downs. But, through it all, we learned what ~love~ is really all about. It’s the young, thrills and chills…certainly; but that’s only the beginning of the deep, mature love that has a way of growing on a person.
When “empty nest” was upon us…we began to wonder just ‘why’ had we married and taken on so many responsibilities? We pondered that for awhile; and came up with the conclusion that the bottom line was that we loved each other.
Love has a way of taking on different shapes…different forms; as the years hurry past. Sometimes it’s the comfortable feeling you get, while sitting in your favorite chair. Sometimes it’s a roller-coaster ride. Sometimes, it’s the receiving…sometimes, it’s the giving of all that the other one can possibly ask for or need.
In 50 years, there is a very wide spectrum of happy times…sad times; times of uncertainty…and yet, knowing in your heart-of-hearts…that what you have, together, is very special. It’s worth all and more…than it will ever cost you.
I could continue on and on…extolling the great mystery of ~love~, but suffice it to say: We knew that God brought us together and it was He who kept us together! We can face the future, together…knowing that whatever it holds for us…God is in complete control. We thank Him for His constant presence in our lives!
On September 1, 2006 - we celebrated our 50th Anniversary - all by the grace of our loving, heavenly Father. We've had our struggles: but all the while, we were building on a 'firm foundation' and Father knit us together, with His LOVE. Thank You, LORD!
My husband, Joe, is a 7 year cancer survivor…PTL… and many a 'Thank You'…to all who have prayed for him!
Joe, Jr.: Joe has a daughter; she’s all grown up and has a daughter. He was in an accident; broke his back and half-severed his spinal cord. He had moved to Oregon, USA. His health deteriorated, and he is now in a wheelchair and disabled. He’s busy with his CB radio… chatting away with the truckers who drive past, on the highway, close to the care home where he lives.
Mike: There were two sons born to Mike and his first wife. They are full-grown and working on the oil patch, way up North. The youngest boy became a father almost two years ago (a daughter). Mike remarried, and now has two step-children: they too, are all grown up. Recently, he and his wife moved a bit closer to us.
Mary: Mary is our middle daughter - born on 'Groundhog Day' (there are many jokes about that). Married and hubby has his own renovation business. They have three sons…who are all full-grown. One served with the Marines, in Iraq. He and his wife have a son and a daughter. Their second son is a bachelor. And, their third son…has a son.
Peter: Peter lives in the States... on a 'ranch'; they have four horses. He and his wife are expecting Peter's first child, in July. Baby Aimee was just born, on July 20th! His wife has a daughter, who is almost 7 years old. He’s quite skilled in working with wood. But, his greatest love has to do with anything in nature; he’s quite the outdoors man.
David: Lives in the USA. He is doing construction work, as "Superintendent" of his crew: his nickname is "Dave Framer". David loves the outdoors and is quite the fisherman...just like my Dad! David has a girlfriend, and they enjoy spending time outdoors.
Andrew: Was married and has a daughter who is all grown up. (She is expecting in July.) He remarried, a couple of years ago. He’s started his own business - renovation. His wife enjoys making crafts, out of anything and everything that grows, naturally. She’s very talented.
Lisa: Our youngest daughter and her girlfriend, just bought their first house. Lisa works spraying antique finish on cabinets and designing specialty furniture. She has a black lab dog (Gracie)… and two cats (Princess and Whisper) Lisa's girlfriend has a HUGE Great Dane, nearly full-grown (Agape), a tiny dog (Rosie), and a cat (Lulu). Both girls are into camping; and enjoy gardening…with 'green thumbs'.
Matthew: Our son…who lived 18 hours…what can I say? He is with the Lord…and we will see him, in Father’s time.
Two miscarriages: They are also with Father…and with their brother Matthew. We look forward to the day when we shall be reunited!
We have 10 grandchildren. Timothy, Christopher, Elizabeth, Corey, Kevin, Matthew, Daniel, Nathan, Aimee, Nicole. (ranging in ages from 28 years... to new-born).
Ethan, Kaylee, Massen, Alice, Kaylea, Jack - (ranging in ages 6 years - 2 weeks old). It doesn't seem possible… we're too young!
Well, Joe and I lived long enough to get the 'surprise' of our life! Steve and Mary were taking us out for lunch; so, I dressed very casual. Lisa said she might stop by, later... on her way into Vancouver - she'd not seen Mary/Steve for a long time.
Joe had made reservations for 4: all of a sudden we saw that Mary/Steve had brought their oldest son Matthew and his girlfriend. So, Joe was going to phone Andrea's, to change the reservation to 6 people: but, Mary said they had already made reservations. Joe phoned to cancel our reservation for 4 people.
So, here we go... into Andrea's Restaurant. I'm looking for the booth, near a window: there's very few people there (considering it is a Saturday). Mary/Steve head for a larger table (we figure they just don't know their way around).
Around the corner, comes a girl who looks so much like our granddaughter Nicole (but, there couldn't be another girl who is so pretty!). My mouth hangs open, because it is Nicole! Then, others begin popping-up, from out of nowhere!
Nicole, her cousin Jesse, her Mom Ellen and boyfriend, Karel. Then, Andrew's wife Cheryl is there - Andrew is working out of town (he phones us). Daughter Lisa shows up. There's son Peter (and he's supposed to be working out of town). At the end of the table...son Mike and wife Karen (from Westbank - Interior).
In all our lives...never, never such a "surprise"!
We had a really nice meal... then, out came the cake, with two candles on it... "5" and "0". I cut that into 16 pieces. The flashbulbs were going off all the time we were there. (Pictures will follow, later.)
There were a lot of very fancy "50" cards. We received two standing sea gulls, for our 'deck'...and a large candle, in a beautiful antique holder. There was a mantle clock... made out of mirror... with fancy flowers and butterflies carved on it: standing on a wooden pedestal. We received $$$ and some scratch and win (mega-prizes) tickets. Andrew phoned us... because he's working about 700 miles away, and couldn't be there, with his wife Cheryl.
Some had to go home, soon after...others came to our apartment and visited. We had the opportunity to sit and visit; we talked of the old days, and our hopes for the future!
And, perhaps most important of all...so many relationships have been ironed-out. Now, isn't that an extra special 50th Anniversary gift?! What a wonderful gift to parents!
The story "LIFE'S JOURNEY!" is dedicated to all my "Loved-Ones".
~~OVERFLOW~~ with Parts:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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Pen Name is: Aimee Love
"My Snaps!"
Pink dogwood in our neighborhood - British Columbia, Canada