So many years…behind me,
So many years have passed;
Didn’t I know they wouldn’t last?

It seems like only yesterday,
When my sister was born at home;
As a three year old…I did remember,
Now, so far from this…I’ve roamed.

My first day at school,
And, the uncertainty I felt;
So many ‘firsts’…I would encounter,
All the new things…I’d been dealt!

Some of these things were easy,
And, I learned them right away;
But, some of these things were not,
So, I’m practicing them still…today.

My first and only love,
He entered at an early age;
In Junior High School…I met him,
He’s always been my ‘center stage’!

My…Oh, my…what happened,
If you have any idea,
Will you please let me know?

Very busy years…just ahead,
Children…nearly a dozen;
So much to do…so little time,
I have been a blessed woman!

The years…they just whizzed past,
Soon…the children were all grown;
Their own lives…now…they had,
From our ‘nest’…they had flown.

‘Wee ones’ began appearing,
Grandparents we had become;
And, was it ‘grand’…Yes, truly,
As, to our house…they’d come.

The years…they marched on,
In fact…they just flew by;
Happy times and sad times,
That…I won’t deny.

What’s this…what’s happening,
As this circle of life goes on?
Grandchildren…all grown up,
Into their own lives…they’ve gone.

‘Wee ones’…again…appearing,
And, what does this do for us?
Why, we’re now Great-grands,
So full of pride…I just might bust!

Somewhere…along the way,
Many things changed…I know;
Our hair thinned…then it turned grey,
Parts of us shrunk…while others did grow!

All in all…it’s been good,
I’d have done it no other way;
Time marches on…as it must,
Still, some things I’d like to stay.

Why must time rush on…so fast,
Why can’t we slow it down?
Let the sad times hurry past,
Let the happy times just hang around!

But, for everything…there is a season,
We take the happy and the sad;
And, our lives are richer…fuller,
For that…we can be glad!

Still…I’d really like to know,
If you know…please tell me so;
Whatever happened to all those years,


December 17, 2004

Aimee Love

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