It's All Inside Your Heart
Hi! Welcome to our Second Page. We've given you the rules, but we decided you could use some more help. We've listed some tips on how to be romantic and show someone you really love them. To return back to the Rules, click on the Ribbon.

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100+ Ways To Be Romantic
* Watch The Sunset Together * Take Showers Together * Skinny Dip *
* Back Rubs/Massages * Cook For Each Other * Roses * Hold Hands *
* FInd Out What Their Favorite Calogne/ Perfume is and Wear It Every Time You're Together *
* Wear His Clothes * Dress Each Other * Undress Each Other *
* Bubble Baths * Kiss Every Chance You Get * Whisper to Each Other *
* Kiss/Smell Her Hair * Let Her Sit On Your Lap * Kiss Her Stomach *
* Guys Like Half Shirts *
* Buy Her A Ring *

* Hugs Are The Universal Medecine *
* Sing To Each Other * Read To Each Other * Draw (if you can) *
* Tell Her How You Answered Every Question In Math With Her Name *
* Go To Church/Pray/Worship Together * Hang Out With His/Her Friends *
* Remember Your Dreams and Tell Her About Them * Sleep Naked Together *
* Learn From Each Other and Don't Make the Same Mistake Twice *
* Everyone Deserves a Second Chance *
* Make Sacrifices For Each Other * Learn To Say Sweet Things in Foreign Languages *

* Take Her To See A Romantic Movie and Remember the Parts She Liked *
* Stand Up For Them When Someone Talks Trash * Ride Home and Call Them *
* Call From Your Vacation Spot to Tell Them You Were Thinking About Them *
* Even If You Are Really Busy Doing Something, Go Out Of Your Way To Call and Say I Love You *

* Ride Your Bike 8 Miles Just To See Them For A Few Hours *
* Hang Out With His Friends * Be Prince Charming To Her Parents *
* Take Her To Dinner and Do The Dinner For Two Deal * Spaghetti...*
* Dance Together * Hold Her Around Her Hips/Sides *

* Clothes Are No Fun * Carry Her To Bed * Waterbeds Are Fun *
* Hold Her Hand, Stare Into Her Eyes, Kiss Her Hand And Then Put It Over Your Heart *
* Take Advantage Of Any Time Alone Together *
* Go Hiking and Camp Out In The Woods or On A Mountain *
* Use Colored Water and Write Her Name in the Snow WIth A Heart Around It *
* Scribble Your Names in a Heart With Colored Side Walk Chalk *
* Using those Stick Up Stars, Write Her Name Over Your Bed or On Your Ceiling When She Asks What It Is Tell Her It's So She's The Last Thing You See Before You Go To Sleep *
* Leave Love Notes Around Their Bedroom...or Put Them In Their Pocket When They Aren't Looking *

* Spend Time Doing Your Own Thing, But While the Other Person Is In The Room*
* Play Computer Games Together * Have An Inside Picnic Together * Do Nothing Together *
* Talk A Walk Together * Do Laundary Together (fun in the suds??) * See a Late Nite Movie Together and Kiss At Midnight *

Bad Stuff...Don't Do This...
Here are Ten Rules for Avoiding Intimacy, from Human Sexuality
(Strong & DeVault, 1997):
1. Don't talk.
2. Never show your feelings.
3. Always be pleasant.
4. Always make your choice prevail.
5. Always keep busy with your work and other activities.
6. Always be the one who's right.
7. Never argue.
8. Make your partner guess what you want.
9. Always look out for number one.
10. Keep the television on.

Some scribbles about love...
* Real Love Stories Have No Endings *
* A Life Without Love Is No Life At All * ~Divinchi from 'Ever After'
* If it doesn't brush my shoulder and it doesn't beat my heart, thats not what I want, no, thats not what I will start. I never kiss somebody so that they will break my heart, no thats not what I want, thats not what I will start.....* Lisa Loeb "Wishing Heart"{the editors fav}
* You're Only As Wise As Your Deepest Scar *
* Yes,Tonight All the universe Was mine. I found heaven And He was mine to hold* --from a poem by Sylvia Leigh
*Snoopy Wisdom Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves and then we have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos* Snoopy
*I was with Brad at a little coffee shop. We woke up late and were having a lazy morning, and we went around the corner and got these big bowls of latte and sat there all sleepy. I was so content, just lovin where I was in time and space right then. Just a quiet little coffee and cigarette with the man I love* Gwenyth Paltrow
*There are things you do for people you love. And they're not the same things you do for people you like. Not even people you like a lot. Because I look at you and I think this is too much for her...because if you know this is too much for you, you have to tell me that too* Charlie from Party of Five
*Why don't you just ask - are things perfect? No, no - but they're so, so close* Julia from Party of Five
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