..another Pirate File..


Potter's disclaimer: the brilliant piece which follows was reposted here according to the rationale set forth in, "the Pirate Files". The piece is the lead letter to the editor in edition No. 143 of "The Libertarian Enterprise," a more powerful and thought provoking collection of writing than I have seen in a long time. Kudos.

"The War Against Terrorism"

The Cold War is over, China is going capitalist and the War on Drugs seems somewhat to be petering out. What crisis can be used to further the aims of the control freaks ... hmmm I wonder.

I am not saying that there is any greater conspiracy here than a band of terrorists striking at a hated enemy. (I am not saying that is all it is though.)

People are naturally entrepreneurial AND have a desire to control their surroundings, which for many includes the people in their surroundings.

This new war will be perfect for them.

Unlike a normal war against a country, this one will be worldwide and thus a lot harder for the media to cover. If you thought the coverage of Desert Storm, Waco, or Kosovo was anemic wait until these hapless talking heads try to cover a war that is occurring in widely separated countries, with little build up, and that are over quickly. Even the best news people are only going to able to do so much. Add to that most of the alleged terrorist infrastructure is in areas with little if any internet access.

This will leave only the participating anti-terrorist agencies as the main source of news on operations. I cannot imagine that it would be in those agencies best interests to be truthful about real events or to resist creating whatever stories they deem necessary. It will be The Gulf of Tonkin over and over again.

Also, in a "standard" war one side or the other is expected to win at some point. With the war over, however it went, the crisis is gone. Not so here. As long as there are angry people there will be terrorists. Continuing anti-terrorism will create more orphans, instill more hatred, and provide motivation for an endless crop of new terrorists. Ah, job security. Not for the line troops who will fight and die but for politicians and other policy makers. These prattling mudf**kers will always support more funding for the war and will always support new restrictions on liberty because…well because it's what they do.

Terrorist and anti-terrorist actions will supply an endless source of American dead and maimed to be used by the suited vultures in D.C. as reasons to continue the Next Good War. They will lithely dance to the top of the pile of dead sons, daughters, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandpas and grandmas to proclaim that "more must be done" and "this outrage cannot go unpunished" and "we must sacrifice (fill in the blank) until the crisis has passed". They will use the dead to be elected and re-elected. To bring pork to their home districts, to write books, to make well paid speeches, to be important, to f**k interns, to call for a limiting (temporary of course) of civil rights.

Thanks to a host of government intrusions into the lives of peaceful folk we have been conditioned to being controlled in a variety of ways. We are also a nation of snitches.

The busybodies and nosy nellies will have a new purpose in life and that is uncovering terrorists (Kulaks, middle-peasants, Jews, druggies, child abusers, tax evaders, gun nuts, heathens, homosexuals, uppity blacks, polluters). Everyone is a candidate, everyone a suspect. Purchased fertilizer? Fuel oil?, Black powder? Flying Lessons? Made a discouraging word about this government or its actions? Stay at home a lot? Gone a lot? Pay cash? Use credit cards? Have brown or olive skin? Have an accent? No accent (trying to blend in)? Resent loss of freedoms? Anything can and will trigger these obsequious groveling s**t lickers. Of course the govthugs need them and will reward them for their efforts so that and the natural inclination to spy and pry into peoples affairs will ensure that there will be millions of organic spycams situated throughout the country.

There is no political reason for the war to ever end. With a controlled media and compulsory government schooling, the amount of original information and original thought will be brought to near nil. In time conditions will be accepted.

Over that time through the amount of taxes taken and the continuing loss of liberties will send this nation into a Soviet like spiral. Gray housing, gray food, gray clothes and gray people. The gray people will shuffle from one line to the next hoping to get a piece of old meat or bread, or two shoes of any kind. After a generation of this, mentioning that a free market could bring food and shoes to more people with better quality and lower prices will generate arguments of the sort that attend the issues of schools, roads, and police services now.

"What? Are you kidding? If we let individuals sell shoes only the rich could afford them! In fact, I have a chart that proves my point."

Of course even bringing up the subject will trigger a snitch, so most people will avoid anything controversial. And the cycle of ignorance and acceptance will continue.

TV shows and movies will portray anyone who speaks out about the war or even has some reservations about the goodness of it as dupes and idiots, who at the end will be shown the error of their ways as they are carted off to jail on conspiracy charges. Their last words drowned out by the laugh track.

The demonization of weapons will continue and anyone who wishes to armed who is not a "Proper Authority" will be considered a potential terrorist. After awhile anything sharp, pointy, explosive, or that has projectiles will be shamed out of the hands of the "law abiding".

In fact I envision a scenario such as this to soon be part of a made for TV movie:

EXT Hardened bunker complex. HMMVs and troops moving to and fro.

INT Command center. Row upon row of computers with intense looking people staring at them. Everyone in the room is heavily armed and dressed in black, even the old ladies serving coffee and donuts from a cart.

Veteran Anti-Terrorist (played by aging action star) enters. Followed by Rookie Anti-Terrorist (played by hot young singing sensation) they approach dais where The Commander (played by a really old former superstar called out of retirement for this very special cameo role) sits surrounded by bustling underlings and huge flat screen monitors showing the world sit-reps.

VAT "Another job for my team, Commander?"

TC takes off glasses dramatically "You got that right. It's bad ... really bad."

RAT snaps to attention "The team can handle anything, Sir!"

VAT with grin "Easy Rook, you'll get your chance. What is it John?"

TC takes off glasses dramatically "We just received a distress call from flight 666 out of ..."

RAT "The Devil's Flight!" (which is the name of the movie)

TC takes off glasses dramatically "Don't interrupt me boy."

RAT "Sorry sir! Won't happen again Sir!"

VAT moving to look at monitor "What was the call?"

TC takes off glasses dramatically "The pilot on 666 out of Omaha is reporting that a passenger onboard has smuggled on a weapon. The terr hasn't made a move yet, but it is only a matter of time."

VAT "Why not shoot it down?"

TC takes off glasses dramatically "No can do soldier! The president's maid's second cousin is on that plane."

VAT "Damn!"

RAT "Are we going in boss? A mid-air insertion?"

VAT "Looks like it, son."

RAT smiles grimly "I'm ready!"

VAT "John, what do we know about this guy?"

TC takes off glasses dramatically "42 year old white male 5' 11" 135 pounds. Member of the National Air-Rifle Association, (both soldiers grimace) has written several letters to the editor complaining about the alleged loss of freedoms in this great country, (both soldiers grimace, hate in their eyes), is blood type O neg., his wife prefers to be on top, his bank account contains 1331234 New Dollars , he was caught masturbating at summer camp when he was 13."

VAT "Is that all? What about his religion? His friends? His frequency of bowel movements?"

TC takes off glasses dramatically "All of that is considered private information under the 44th amendment. You know that, Ed."

VAT slams fist into palm "Damn these restrictions on us! How in the hell are we supposed to fight terrorists if we are kept in a straightjacket?"

TC takes off glasses dramatically "We must soldier on and wait for the day when the politicians and judges see that we can't win this war unless we have all the tools."

RAT "What weapon does he have, Sir?"

TC takes off glasses dramatically, stands up "A spork."

VAT "God help us all."

.... Warren Tilson


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