May Day!


It's time. I'm coming out of the closet...

NO, .....I'm not gay. I'm going public about something else. It's not as though anyone that has ever read anything here would be surprised to hear it. Witness the "pirate files."

O.K. Here goes....

I am a dropout. A blackguard. A thief, and all because I found out about the fraud and deceit that was the U.S. government and that I refused to pay them any further the smallest avoidable sum of my production.

They still roast you, though, no matter how far you dropout. All you have to do is exist in the world and/or use Federal Reserve Notes for money. Federal Reserve Notes are the green paper rectangles most people commonly call "dollars."

Real "Dollars," of course, are a precise measurement of weight in gold and silver. FRN's are the green coupons we use instead of real money, that change in relative value whenever it suits a roomful of certain bankers. Hey, look it up for yourself if you don't believe me!"

Ed. Note: Money soon to change colors. Look for red $100 bills within a year or two. Seriously consider exchanging your hoarded greenbacks into a stable commodity before the coming devaluation. Again....this is not a joke. Do the homework, if you don't believe me.

O.K. It's been over twenty years since I discovered the voices of the opposition. I'm not talking about the minority party here either, pal. More like the "Resistance."

Guys like Irwin Schiff, Frederick Tupper Saussy, and George Hansen were among the many brave and publicly outspoken critics and opponents of illicit government in those days, and they have paid dearly with much of their Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor for their pains and trouble. Though publicly excoriated and officially persecuted, two of these future saints and heroes have endured, a tribute to their tenacity and indomitable spirit. God rest George Hansen and bless his soul.

To the point, ....after studying and observing for the past two decades, I feel it only incumbent upon myself, to be true to the spirit of human liberty, to affirm and proclaim the veracity of the voices in the "Resistance."

To Wit: It is the unavoidable truth that government is fraudulent and corrupt and that the coin of the realm is felonious and immoral, and that complicit participation within government's coercive agendas and programs is tantamount to Grand Theft and Murder. With an abiding faith in the Almighty, I cast my lot, here openly in cyberspace, with those that refuse to acquiesce to slavery and degradation by criminal governments.

That being said, I have no strong wish to be a martyr. I am not hanging out an invitation on the porch calling for the SWAT boys to come take me out, or worse still, install me somewhere in a barred cubicle for an extended period of time (see the Hansen link above). I simply wish to be counted amongst the eternally stifled chorus of those steadfastly calling for justice and right.

Somewhere on the internet, that beautifully divine tool that grants even amateurs like me the potential opportunity for good, I read an inspiring summary exhortation for the ancient tenets of unity, solidarity, and strength in numbers as a political force. The author likened ancient revolutionary assemblies to the proliferation of incendiary and seditious libertarian essays and opinion pieces running roughshod all over currently prescribed geo-political boundaries, all around the world wide web.

Mark old Potter in the incendiary, seditious, libertarian column.

At the time I stopped volunteering to participate in the government's fraudulent and unconstitutional, unapportioned, capitation machinery (income taxes), I was inspired by a middle aged local tradesman, legendary for having not surrendered to the revenuers for some forty years, most of his entire adult life. As the story went, he apparently "just never bothered to sign up." Now, more than twenty years on, old man Benson will undoubtedly be some sixty years an "un-volunteer," ....that is, if he's still kicking around (unhealthy smoker/drinker/free-thinker type, naturally).

Perhaps reading this account of another traveler's twentysomething year experience on the trek through the trying landscape of the "un-volunteer" will inspire yet another uncommitted, free-willed seeker, to join in accord with truth and justice. Verily, in accord with responsibility and independence.

May that but one more soul arrayed against the insidious and brutal forces of the state, shift the eternal balance away from darkness and repression towards fulfillment, industry, and charity. This we pray.

Rest assured, though. In our utopian modern world, everyone is affected by the inextricably intertwined dynamic of government and money, whether the demoralized and dependent immigrant welfare opportunists cum political chattel, or the solitary independent sovereign citizens, stoically seeking an honorable path outside the officially serialized, totalitarian, state banking/financial establishment.

Even the string pullers and the king-makers in the smoky back rooms are affected, ....perhaps, in the end, the most of all.


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..send your comments to Potter.. more rants..
