..A Million Marchers ..5-22-2000All these Million Mom Marches lately, and all the other orchestrated demonstrations and crap like that just got me to thinking again about another kind of march. A guy recently wrote a bit somewhere on-line called the 80 Million Man Armed March. Did you see it? It was a well written piece lampooning the do-gooders with lots of tongue in cheek humor and I laughed out loud reading it. But seriously, what about a million man (or more) armed march on the Capital Mall? See, ....I keep having this recurring vision that good people are going to get just pissed off enough one of these days to start putting their foot down. Here's kinda like what I've been seeing. Imagine for just a moment, the people exercising the Blessedly Endowed Rights to alter or abolish any Form of Government that becomes destructive of some of our other Rights, ....like Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, for instance ....and instituting a new Government, one more likely to effect our Safety and Happiness! The way I see it, we'd go en masse, simultaneously in Washington and in state capitals everywhere, and in the county seats as well, long overdue putting some important things to right. We'd even have an indignant cadre of fed up citizens standing around seething on the door step of your local town hall, because after all, there are good people in your town, too, right?. They'd be just a small part of the vast hordes of all the finally fed up citizens everywhere, and you can bet your sweet life that many of them will be carrying old family Winchesters and heirloom Tommyguns to lend a little bite to their collective bark. In case you didn't know it (though it's probably not your fault you don't know ....see, they won't just come right out and tell you this stuff in government schools and local newspapers), the law of the land affirms that everything written above is absolutely all legal, and that every individual is guaranteed those rights, and they're all protected by our sworn servants in the offices of our constitutional government! Hot damn! Of course they can't tell you that you are really in charge of those in government because those in government are doing such a criminal job of stealing and murdering and mucking everything up, if people knew they had some recourse, they'd be parting some of those sleazy backroom bozos from their fat conniving heads. But it's true. As citizens of a free republic, we can all get together in big crowds wherever we want, and say whatever we want to say about anything we please, and we can even bring our guns along if we want to, too. Yep, ....it's all written in plain old simple English right there in the documents and the law books. And that's just the trouble. People can't seem to understand plain old simple English any more. These days, the wildly successful modern Orwellian government machine has so thoroughly cleansed the perceptions of freedom from the awareness of the masses, that in today's English, almost everything means exactly opposite of what it once did only a few years back. Just think of the word Right itself, for example. Right, in the simplest sense, is the opposite of wrong. Right? Therefore, it follows that right is good. Instead of a mechanism instituted to secure Rights, or good, Governments are now largely more concerned with curtailing and limiting them for what they call "the good of society." That is to say, they are limiting and curtailing good, in the name of goodness, by being bad. I told you things were completely the opposite these days.
This is just a subtle example. If you watch any tv news show, the doublespeak flows from all the talking heads' mouths just like rain off the roof. How about "Peacekeepers?" Now, there's a good one. The peacekeepers, by the way, are the dudes in the body armor and Darth Vader hats that are so universally loved they are usually only seen either shouting at the local peasants or hiding from the local rebels. Yes, the peacekeepers. These are also usually the guys that think they are smarter than anyone else on earth, and they have the biggest bombs to make sure no one argues about it. Getting back to the point, government and tv (and newspapers, etc.) have created a world in which the people are no longer able to understand the laws that are the basic foundations of their own free republic. Somewhere in the coming of this grand new age of enlightenment, we have forgotten the meaning of basic words and phrases like shall not, and shall make no law, and shall not be infringed. "Depends on what you mean by the word is." Does that sound familiar? And that's just the point. The spin doctors have got everyone convinced that they're in big trouble, ....virtually helpless, and the only one that can save them is Big Brother. What we really need to do is help ourselves. In my vision, I see the people rending the IRS Headquarters asunder, calling forth it's executives for public derision. I can see frothing crowds demanding resignations from corrupt administration officers including the president, the vice president, the attorney general, and the secretary of state. I can see the people demanding the repudiation of the enslaving and crippling public debt by the treasury department, and their demand and realization of the re-institution of honest and sound constitutional money. I can see a humble but mighty people praying before a patient Creator, seeking wisdom and guidance in their struggle just as their forefathers undoubtedly did in 1776. And after the people have awakened, I can see a great boom in industry and trade, freely undertaken and engaged in without government extortion. I can see open borders, where ambitious and useful people can move freely wherever they will, ably bearing the responsibility for their own welfare. I can see people giving aid wherever need occurs, freely, and with altruistic purpose from their own hard earned wealth, unlooted by illicit government. So? ....What say ye, then? Anyone ready for that million
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