.. Elian, part 2 ..


My heart is heavy with sorrow for America. That the events unfolding in Miami and Washington are even within the realm of possibilities is indicative of the perilous decline of our national honor and collective moral character.

The highest ranking law enforcement official in the United States, Janet Reno (Castro?) has declared unequivocally that the young Cuban refugee Elian will be sent with his cowardly father back to the totalitarian morass from which he so recently barely escaped. With a straight face and a palsied arm she waved at the pantheon of "law and justice" while solemnly sentencing Elian to a life of political oppression and economic slavery, "....for his own good."

Intoning homilies of familial bonds and common decency, the insufferable attorney general has declared that idyllic island haven of prosperity and contentment Cuba, as the youngster's just and legal residence in the world, where his natural father will clearly guide and wisely nurture Elian's bright future and best interests.

As the sage and benevolent Reno pronounced her magnanimous decree, courageous newscasters and tv anchors echoed the official mantra of "When, not If," and handsome ethnic minority Justice Deptartment underlings in tailored suits explored uncharted regions in the art of doublespeak, breathlessly mouthing words like "exchange" and "least traumatizing."

I think the "exchange" here was when these people sold their souls to the devil, and "least traumatizing" will be high on priority lists when the satanic reckoning comes due. One must wonder what is to be gained by their machinations.

As the propaganda mill continues to turn, scores of Media Inc. cameras and swat style network news vans cheapen and sensationalize the heartfelt protest occurring in Miami, while a chilling deafening silence sounds the death knell of a national collective ideal around the rest of the country. Meanwhile, the talking heads in their constant quest to titillate are now engaging in inflammatory logistical speculation about the numbers and methods of the inevitable blackcoat legions which will be deployed to effect the so called "exchange."

Where is the indignation, the cry for right against might? Are we so apathetic as a nation that we are unable to say no to the illicit government we have so carelessly allowed to overpower us? Has the will to preserve our proud heritage of liberty really withered to this apparently tragic condition of appalling unconcern?

Shocking is the realisation that the concepts of liberty and freedom have been so efficiently erased from the value systems of Americans, especially the new generation of Americans. I remember a time when college kids were at the raging forefront of political protest and activism, denouncing the barbarian practice of war, decrying racism and the repression of free speech, free association, and the freedom of choice. Student protesters in our brave new world, however, are often vehement champions of international political crusades and surgical military adventurism, licentious entitlement and affirmative action quota programs, and muzzling any viewpoints contrary to the currently fashionable politically correct standard.

I believe the Elian fiasco can be stopped, but it will take a determined and concerted outcry from good people all across the land. However, if this betrayal of justice is allowed to take place, I am afraid that there will be no more possibility for a peaceful restoration of lawful government in the United States.

I am terribly afraid that if this poor pawn of politics Elian is sacrificed on the one-world altar of international socialism, the only hope remaining for the tree of liberty is a thorough watering with the blood of patriots and tyrants as described by that old reprobate Thomas Jefferson.

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