The Larger View


Well, it's been a while since I've been inspired to write in these pages––the egregious violation of the Bill of Rights brought into prominent focus by the Elian seizure, and the incredibly underwhelming lack of outrage on the part of the Amerikan people took it right out of me, I guess.

So, given the widespread and fashionable apathy concerning any matters bearing upon the once hallowed ideals of liberty and freedom, let's take a quick look around at some other things occurring in the shadow of the Elian Affair, which might serve as amusing diversions in light of the new modern attitude of general unconcern.

For starters, it seems old Janet Reno's got her fingers in yet another pie down Puerto Rico way. Apparently, some uppity demonstrators have been camping out on an island down there where the U.S. Navy practices its demolition skills using real live ordnance. Some of the island's inhabitants and others took umbrage when a civilian security guard inadvertently got blown to smithereens by an errant bomb last year, and they've been camped out there in protest ever since.

Can you imagine the nerve of these folks wanting the Navy to stop blowing up their island homeland?!?

Anyway, Reno's ubiquitous FBI goonsquad, backed by an aircraft carrier or two and an armada of support vessels, cleaned that filthy pond scum out of there snap-shit the other day to open the way for the Navy to resume its vital training exercises in that pitiful and expendable Caribbean locale, Vieques Island.

There is one small irony, though. U.S. government spokesmen had made clear before taking their action against the protesters, that the island location was the only possible geographic location in the hemisphere which enabled them to use live ordnance in their training exercises. Following the removal of the protesters, however, it was announced that the Navy would henceforth use only dummy ammunition in its island maneuvers. Go figure.

Closer to home, the lead investigator retained by the House committee to investigate the Waco fiasco turned up dead at his office last week, a condition becoming fairly widespread among folks getting tied up with the business of the current administration.

Apparently, this expert was ready to release his findings after a six month study, showing ironclad and incontrovertible proof of government gunfire directed towards the besieged Branch Davidians as they attempted to escape the blaze that engulfed their buildings on that fateful April day.

Strangely enough, or not, a committee spokesman now maintains that no proof of such government fire has been ever been unequivocally established.

And get this. Turns out that the two investigators who preceded this last unfortunate who was found dead were also unable to appear before the committee with their own damning conclusions, suffering a heart attack, the other being poisoned. Hmmmm....

Have you heard this choice bit of news which broke last week? Some first term democrat female apparatchik in Maryland is sponsoring a gun buy-back program to take place in her local community. So what, you say?

The buy-back this pious alderwoman Einstein is proposing is for TOY guns!

That's right, ....toy guns. Water pistols and cap guns! She says they need to get the toy guns out of children's hands before they develop the wrong attitudes about firearms. What's next? Barbie dolls and footballs? Sheesh....

A fine testament to the mental prowess of todays politicos this is, and another shining example of your tax dollars hard at work! Boy, oh boy, if this wasn't so farcically over-the-top, it would be downright disgusting.

What else? Well, let's see ....our stellar and omniscient national leadership is embroiled in controversy surrounding the cyberworld on several fronts.

In the latest spinning cover-up tactics employed by White House fixers, missing subpoenaed e-mails are being pooh-pooh'ed as being irrelevant and irretrievable, while at the same time the spin doctors are opining the loss of yet more laptop computers containing sensitive material over at Maddy Not-so-bright's State Department. Hey, you can always count on Clinton's harem of loyal harridans for a chuckle!

Meanwhile, rubber-stamping federal judges are busy goring the Microsoft beast at the behest of the righteous rule-of-law administration, making every effort to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. Ironically to this point, they've managed not only to drag down the stock markets and vast amounts of privately held equities, but many of their own government employee pension funds by nearly a third of their value as well. Of course, as always, these sage measures are taken to insure that the "benefit of all" is fairly served.

And lest we overlook the benevolence of our gracious masters on the state level, that cheerful bunch of honyocks who comprise the Governors Club are clamoring, nearly to a man, for the implementation of wide reaching internet taxation. Heaven forbid any citizen should engage in any e-commerce without paying their due tribute to the almighty state!

It kinda makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over just thinking about how hard governments everywhere are working to take such good care of us!

Doesn't it?

..send your comments to Potter..
