..to The Playground..
~ Potter's Editorial ~

Here we go again ....

Biometrics, ....are you ready for this?

I was watching a program on television called Maine 2000 with one of the local women TV newscasters, Jeannine Lauber, who was sweetly and smilingly heralding the development of a relatively new technology dubbed Biometrics.

I only happened to be watching because I was eating and unable to manipulate my keyboard efficiently, and I opted to go off-line and scan the old propaganda portal in the meantime.

Jeannine baby is another one of those cookie-cutter TV journalists (yeah, right) who alternately titillates me with her charming good looks and fetching smile, and then sickens me with the establishment line that streams from her mouth like the green slime shooting from Linda Blair's cherubic face in the movie, "The Exorcist."

It was standard, slick TV fare, alright, ....all professionally packaged and polished in a seamless and beguiling format, and sounding much like the most sincere and smooth TV evangelists, preaching their own unqualified and infallible versions of the Lord's Good News.

Ah, yes, Biometrics, ....such a clean and modern sounding techno-name, ....but just what is this Biometrics, anyway?

Biometrics is the intersection between computer technology, with its vast informational and data collection and storage capabilities, and the unique and varied physiological characteristics and traits of each individual human body. In other words, you can now be
scanned, branded, and canned
by anonymous and indiscriminate techno-wielding bureaucrats, ....all in the name of the law, ....before you even know what hit you.

Biometrics is what you've seen in the movies, where someone's eye is scanned and evaluated against a security checklist to gain entry into some secure area. Well, now, these technologies, ....including hand scans, facial scans, and God knows whatever other infinite number of methods they'll come up with, ....are becoming commonplace in certain everyday banking and business applications. Not only are corporate entities employing and requiring biometric technology to work and to pass, but government agencies as well are getting into the biometrics act in a big way with prison and jail applications, and with more wide spread military and intelligence use, where the whole damn thing began in the first place, some ten tears ago.

"Fine," you say, "it's no big deal having my eyes scanned to get money from an ATM, or getting scanned to gain access to my secure workplace."

Well, let me tell you something, bubby. Right now, in England, they're wiring the streets. Yeah, that's right, ....they're hard-wiring the fricking streets! Cameras are on thousands of lampposts, and are being mounted on more, all constantly monitoring the highways and byways for "illegal activity" and "suspected criminals." They've got dudes sitting in command cubes, working computer checks on everyone that comes within the range of the lenses.

Politicians and oligarchs are working, even as we speak, to expand the scope of biometrics in this country, evidenced by the quaint little Maine 2000 production and others, and their sugar-coated treatment and rationalized justification of why we need, and why we should embrace this wonderful technology and its numerous benefits, right here in Smalltown, U.S.A. as soon as possible!

Excuse me while I puke.

Do we want the same folks who struggle to keep up the roads and to timely deliver our letters, and people who wittingly or unwittingly, spend $129 forcibly extracted tax dollars on a single solitary #2 sheetmetal screw, to be in charge of determining the validity and purpose of our every physical movement of our day to day existence?

PUH-LEEASE, ....gimme a break!

Now don't take this the wrong way, ....but those folks who favor social engineering programs, and the control of law abiding and peaceable common citizens by a small minority of self-anointed and liberty usurping officials acting under the color of law, ....are really starting to piss me off.

Oh, I still say a prayer for them every night, ....as I do for the entire family of man, ....but when you start thinking about people who really believe in those things, it makes you wish that they would just


I'm sorry to offend your delicate sensibilities, but that's how I feel about it. It's like it says in the scriptures, "You're either for us, or against us," ....and if you ain't for freedom, baby, you're against us. Case closed. Period.

And if you believe in freedom, but you aren't quite willing to sacrifice anything for it, or to fight for it, then pack your bags, kid, 'cause you ain't no better than the rest of them scumbags, may God Have mercy on your miserable unatoned souls.

İlowell_potter ..

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