..to The Playground..
~ Potter's Editorial ~
~ A Little Rambling ~

WARNING: More than one person has recently expressed their displeasure with the use of certain common sexually oriented profanities in these pages, ....and if you are likely to take great offense at various "F" words, ....be forewarned.

Less sensitive readers should note that these words are used primarily to show emphasis, indignation, incredulity, outrage, and/or downright anger. I strive to refrain from the only real profanity, ....cursing our Lord, ....in these pages and in everyday life.

I think that we all have enough trouble as it is without alienating the Big Guy, don't you?
....There is no God, you say?.... Don't push your luck, buster....

O.K. ....Here we go again....

The following is a list of not necessarily related musings that just happened to make me want to blow off a little steam .....it's a free country, ain't it?
(rolls eyes)

  • ....Drafting legislation....

    Don't you just love that phraseology? ...."Lawmakers are drafting legislation today in order to insure...."

    ....drafting legislation ....What is it, anyway? ....Fucking architecture?

    Hey, if you predominantly spineless wavering demagogues want to really do something, then make your proposal and vote on the damned thing already!

  • ....And how about this one???

    FBI bureau spokesman John Collingwood said about new graphic evidence showing agents murdering children at Waco,

    "We are anxious to identify and preserve for outside review and congressional oversight anything that may bear on the firing of the military gas rounds. In the end, the only way we can completely restore our credibility is to identify every scrap of information we have and immediately turn it over to whomever is doing the review."

    Yeah right! That's like telling your kid brother that you'll take charge of your jeans that he found in the dirty clothes with the big baggie hanging out of the pocket, just to make sure that everything's all catalogued and accounted for, before the incriminating evidence is turned over to Mom.

    ------ Gimme a fucking break! --------

  • Or, ....Hey, ....What about Reno, ....the city?...

    Imagine this poor town, ....being subliminally associated with the inept and/or criminal, hypocritical and palsy stricken Attorney General, ....every time someone mentions its name in a sentence. Out in Reno, they must all be thinking,

    "My Good God, what have we done to deserve this kind of horrible ignominy?"

  • The cost of pooh-poohing the indiscretions and dismissing the excesses of our political leaders has parallels in history....

    It has been said over and over since antiquity that,

    "those who ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them."
    Read of the uncanny resemblance of the decline of the American Republic to that of another....

  • Have you ever been behind someone in the check-out line at the grocery store who is buying lobster tails and filet mignon

    .......with FOODSTAMPS?

    I'll usually be standing there, waiting to pay in hard earned cash ....for my macaroni and cheese and sale-priced cans of chunk light tuna, ....while some really fat lady and a scrawny dude in a leather jacket with forty tattoos and a cigarette hanging over his ear, unload a couple hundred bucks worth of the finest meats and cheeses in all the realm at the register, ....whip out a ream of foodstamp booklets to cover it, ....and then buy two cases of beer, a quart of whiskey, and a carton of cigarettes .......with cold hard cash from a bulging wallet!

    It makes me want to SCREAM ....scream or slap the shit out of the scrawny dude with the tattoos, give the fat lady a good solid kick in the ass, and then tear up their shiny fucking monopoly money food stamps and throw them in their faces. ....Is that so wrong?

    I invariably slowly begin to simmer, wondering what fucked up ways these hillbillies are going to defile these delicacies before they devour them .....delicacies paid for by me among others, ....with the criminally extorted sweat right off of our brows.

    Is there no shame left in the world?

  • ....A cop pulled me over the other day....

    ....at 5 o'clock in the morning, ....while I was hurrying to get my nephew to the airport to catch his plane home....

    ....anyway, I jump out of the car waving the airplane tickets (I always jump out of the car to greet those bastards when I get stopped) and I end up telling this punk kid who's nervously rubbing his gun that I'm going to miss our flight....but when I looked this rookie in the eye halfway through my speech, I knew that my offensive wasn't making much headway, so I shook my head and told the kid to do what he had to do, ....but be quick about it.

    ....So this young tyke with the piping on his pants starts telling me about how they teach them in cop school that we must remain in our cars when we're stopped by an officer, ....for our own safety and for the safety of the officer as well....


    ....When did Main Street, U.S.A. turn in to Red fucking China anyway?

....There. I feel a little better now....

İlowell_potter ..

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