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~ Potter's Editorial ~

OK ....Here we go again, warts and all, folks, ....and I ain't stoppin to fix spellings or omissions, .....I'm just gonna let 'er rip.

WACO revisited ....

it should come as no surprise that the events at Waco in 1993 -----was it in 93?---- were clothed in the downey-soft wash of Media-inc's mesmerizing spin cycle, .....and that ol' Janet Reno and the feebies called in ythe boys from the Death....er, ..... the Delta Force to torch the kiddies in Texas and finally put an end to the uppity religious insurrection and zealotry cropping up in the heart of that once and still iconoclastic and rebellious little Republic.

I must confess, with no small shame, that I was numbed myself, at the time, to events which I was informed of by Media-inc.....ABCCBSNBCCNNFOXetc,etc.... and the gravity of the truly horrible spectacle unfolding on the tv screen passed over my conditioned head .......NO.....come to think of it (I was constantly high then, you understand), ...I believe I had cynically predicted the inevitable outcome while the blackcoats were amassing armored troop carriers and tanks at the scene of the Davidians ultimate slaughter and incineration.

well, ....now it turns out that janet obsceno and billy-bob klinton weren't really telling the truth all these years....

-----NO, I CANT BELIEVE IT------

....about the blaze being set by patriarch koresh, ....but that the Davidian congregation was executed in a pre-meditated act of repressive brutality, employing the most elite death and destruction squad that the might of the United States' military machine had to offer.

....and, by the way, have you seen obsceno-reno lately? She's flapping her arms in a violent palsy like a miserably wounded downed partridge that hasn't yet had its neck wrung ......who says there's no such thing as karma, anyway?

....and in case you thought that Vince Foster was the only mysterious death involving the klintons

(the documented list is actually 60 or 70 unusual and/or untimely demises)

.....it turns out that the three blackcoats apparently shot by another blackcoat while storming the Davidian's second story window, were all klinton's personal bodyguards during the '92 election campaigns......

Where will the serpentine and voluminous revelations end? ....And are the masses so numbed by their daily tv talking heads that they really feel no deep sense of moral outrage and violated trust when it comes to the unconscionable behavior of those that have attained the highest offices of this "free republic?"

....and now some conclusions I am drawing in light of surfacing evidence of criminal government malfeasance and misrepresentation:

  • it is not inconceivable that the minions of oligarchy are perpetrating some or all of the recent gun massacres to further enable and implement their worldwide effort to disarm private law abiding citizens

  • any citizen with a shred of respect remaining for the values and standards upon which this country were founded, should procure and maintain an arsenal, undoubtedly necessary in the forthcoming and inevitable conflict between the fascist police bureaucracy which our government has become, and the upright and God-fearing constitutional republic from whence it came.

  • that in spite of the sickening morass into which the world seems to continually further and further fall, God Has His plans and purposes for all things, ....and all things will eventually have their time....

  • ....and that regardless of the ultimate cost to life and limb, I would rather be counted on the side of all that support freedom and liberty, ....yes, with those that choose to resist repressive consortiums and alliances, drunk and reckless with their real, and imagined, might and power.....

    So, all you concerned and courageous people, the brave and the not-so-brave, the relentlessly pillaged working man and woman, and all who are directly and indirectly affected by the callous and arbitrary instruments of official coercion, .....take heart in the truth, ....that the truth will set you free, ....and gird yourselves up in His Armor, and in the crook of the Lord's staff, for I'm afraid the biggest battle is yet to come.

    İlowell_potter ..

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