'Priestess of Delphi' - Hon. John Collier
'Priestess of Delphi'
Hon. John Collier
High o'er the earth, at whose ethereal fire 
the stars into the sacred night retreat

O'er the Parnassian cliffs the ascending 
wheels to mortals roll the beams of day

The wreaths of incense-breathing myrrh 
mount to the roof of Phoebus' fane

The Delphic priestess now assumes her seat, and from the hallow'd tripod pronounces to the Greeks the oracular strains which the god dictates

From ‘Ion’ By Euripides   410 BC

'The Magic Crystal' - Sir Frank Dicksee
'The Magic Crystal'
Sir Frank Dicksee
'The Sorceress' - John William Waterhouse
'The Sorceress'
John William Waterhouse
For Merlin once had told her of a charm,
The which if any wrought on anyone
With woven paces and with waving arms,
The man so wrought on ever seemed to lie
Closed in the four walls of a hollow tower,
From which was no escape for evermore;
And none could find that man for evermore,
Nor could he see but him who wrought the charm
Coming and going, and he lay as dead
And lost to life and use and name and fame.
And Vivien ever sought to work the charm
Upon the great Enchanter of the Time,
As fancying that her glory would be great
According to his greatness whom she quenched.

From Merlin and Vivien
Alfred, Lord Tennyson

'The Beguiling of Merlin' -  Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones
'The Beguiling of Merlin'
 Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones
'The Damsel of the Lake, Called Nimüe the Enchantress' - Hon. John Collier
'The Damsel of the Lake, 
Called Nimüe the Enchantress'
Hon. John Collier
'The Magic Circle'  - John William Waterhouse
'The Magic Circle'
John William Waterhouse
In dim samite was she bedight,
and on her hair a hoop of gold,
like foxfire, in the tawn moonlight,
was glimmering cold.

With soft gray eyes she gloomed and glowered;
With soft red lips she sang a song:
What knight might gaze upon her face,
Nor fare along?

For all her looks were full of spells,
And all her words, of sorcery;
And in some way they seemed to say,
"Oh, come with me!

From Morgan Le Fay
Madison Cawein

'Morgan LeFay' - Fredrick Sandys
'Morgan LeFay'
Fredrick Sandys
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