The kings of ancient Macedonia
This is a list of the kings of ancient Macedonia. There is not even one non-Greek name in it.
Argead dynasty
Karanos (c. Late 9th/Early 8th Cent.)
Koinos (c. Mid-8th Cent.)
Tyrimmas (c. Late 8th/Early 7th Cent.)
Perdikkas I (c. 670-652)
Argaios I (652-621)
Philippos I (621-588)
Aeropos I (588-68)
Alketas (568-40)
Amyntas I (540-498)
Alexandros I (c. 498-454)
Perdikkas II (c. 454-413)
Archelaos (413-399)
Orestis (399-396)
Aeropos II (396-393)
Pausanias (393)
Amyntas II the Little (393-392)
Amyntas III (392-370)
Argaios II (370)
Alexandros II (370-368)
Ptolemeos Aloritis (368-365)
Perdikkas III (365-359)
Philippos II (359-336)
Alexandros III the Great (336-323)
Philippos III Arrhidaios (323-317)
Alexandros IV Aegeos (323-309)
Rival kings : 309-301 B.C.
Antigonos I Monophthalmos
Dimitrios I Poliorketes
Seleukos Sotir
Ptolemy Lagos
Antipatrid dynasty
Kassandros (301-297)
Philippos IV (297)
Antipatros (297-294)
Alexandros V (297-294)
Rival rulers
Dimitrios I Poliorkitis (294-287)
Pyrrhos (287-285)
Lysimachos (285-281)
Ptolemeos Keraunos (281-279)
Meleagros (279)
Antipatros Etesias (279)
Sosthenis (279-277)
Antigonid dynasty
Antigonos II Gonatas (277-239)
Dimitrios II (239-229)
Antigonos III Doson (229-222)
Philippos V (222-179)
Perseas (179-168)