Harmony on the Lake Pt 2 by Greg Williams

Larkin's Boat Rentals. Joshua comes by and finds Charlie waxing one of the boats. Charlie looks up from his work.

"Oh hey Joshua. What brings you here?"

"Just stopped by to give you this."

Joshua hands him a walkie-talkie.

"I've already given Gina one. In case of emergencies. They're even waterproof."

"Good idea. If what Suramon told me is true, we're going to need them."

Charlie pockets the walkie-talkie as Mr. Larkin walks out onto the dock.

"Oh hi Joshua."

"Hello Mr. Larkin. See ya Charlie."

"You betcha."

"You almost finished Charlie?"

"Just about done dad."

"Good. Whan your done take #10 out and give it a workout. The engine's been acting kinda funny lately."

"No problem."

Later as Charlie takes the boat out and his parent's boat rental disappears, Suramon appears out of nowhere inside the boat.

"I really like that ability of yours. Save's me from having to answer a few questions."

"No problem. I'm able to watch without being seen."

"You think we'll meet one today?"

"Don't know. Let's keep going."

On the opposite shore near the forest the woman Monroe watches them through binoculars.

"Get ready boy. This monster's coming for you. Digi-Summons!"

In front of the boat the water starts to churn. Charlie slows down their speed.

"What's causing that?" says Charlie.

"A digimon most likely. This is it Charlie. Are ya ready?"

Without warning the digimon bursts out of the water and actually flies over them before going back into the water.

"Seadramon!" says Charlie.

"Let's do it buddy!" says Suramon.


Seadramon surfaces again and flips the boat over knocking the both of them into the water. Charlie comes up spitting out water.

"Ah, good thing I wear a life vest. Suramon, do it!"

"Suramon digivolve too....Grizzlymon!!!

Standing ON the water is a giant grizzly bear with white stripes down his back.

"That's amazing! Your walking on the water!"

Seadramon snarls and Grizzlymon charges punching him square in the beak. Seadramon snarls in pain and let's loose his attack.

"Ice Blast!"

"Glacier Blast!"

The two attacks come strait on and crash against each other knocking both of them into the water and washing Charlie and the boat on shore. Grizzlymon and Seadramon surface and they both take to the air.

"Ice Blast!"

Grizzlymon sidesteps out of the way.

"Swipe Claw!"

He sends his huge claws down in an X and hits Seadramon dead on, he roars in agony before disintigrating. Grizzlymon goes back to Suramon and helps Charlie up from his sitting position on shore.

"That was amazing!"

"I know."

"Wait till I tell Josh and Gina."

Charlie looks toward the boat, upside down and on shore.

"Nuts. Dad's gonna have a fit. Help me wright this thing."

They get it right side up and they both step in. Charlie tries to start the engine.

"Come on you hunk a junk, start!"

Finally the motor starts and they're on their way. Back home Charlie tries to explain to his dad.

"I must have hit a rock just underneath the water. It knocked me out of the boat and I landed on shore."

"A new paint job, totally ruined! I taught you to be more careful out there!"

"Honest dad, I never saw it coming."

"Ray dear, just be glad he came back in one piece." says Mrs Larkin.

Mr Larkin sighs.

"Your right. Sorry. Go dry yourself off and help me get the sailboats ready."

"Sure thing."

Inside his room Charlie is taking off his wet clothes when Suramon appears.

"That was close."

"No kidding. I can see my life with you is going to be something of an adventure."

Suramon chuckles.

"I sure hope so."


In the forest near town Joshua is driving an ATV with Prairiemon hanging on behind him. Joshua stops the ATV and looks around with his binoculars.

"What do you see?" asks Prairiemon

"Trees. You sure about this?"

"Yes. I have this feeling something's about to happen."

Joshua keep scanning with his bioculars when he notices Monroe standing some yards away. Her arms are up and she seems to be talking to herself.


Joshua looks up to see a digimon come strait for them. Joshua guns the engine and drive's off, barely missing being crushed. Joshua looks behind him and gasps.

"Who's that?!"

"Gorillamon. This is it Joshua!"

Prairiemon hops off the ATV and faces Joshua. He takes out his digivice and holds it high.


"Prairiemon digivolve too....Bisonmon!!!"

Bisonmon looks like an upright bison, or buffalo with brown fur. Gorillamon growls and lifts his arm.

"Energy Cannon!"

Bisonmon dives out of the way and the charge knockes over several trees.

"Stampede Force!"

Bisonmon's attack comes out of his fist and hits Gorillamon right on. He goes flying and lands next to the road. A local police car drives up and screeches to a halt. The policeman gets out and looks in shock. This is Deputy Harvey Morgan. Gorillamon turns to him and raises his arm. Harvey fumbles for his gun.

"Energy Cannon!"

"Double Force!"

Gorillamon get's hit from Bisonmon's attack once, twice, he howls defeat before turning into digital dust. Bisonmon turns to Harvey who's shaking in fear, then he turns away and disappears. Harvey starts at the sound of an engine and see's Joshua coming by on his ATV.

"Mr. Morgan, you all right?"

"Did you see that Joshua?"

"I think so. You OK?"

"Yeah. Uh, Joshua?"


"Let's keep this out secret OK?"


Harvey sighs and gets back in his car and drives off. Prairiemon appears next to Joshua.

"Close one huh?" says Prairiemon

"Yeah. Whoever's doing this, it seems they want the public to know. Why else would this be happening at a busy lake?"

"Don't worry Joshua. We can handle it. We'll stop this soon."

"I hope so."


In another part of the forest Gina and Panthamon are walking down a trail when they come across an open plain.

"I can feel it." says Panthamon "Get ready Gina."

Gina looks around with her binocluars and spots Monroe on the other side of the plain with her arms up in the air. A dark whirlpool forms above them and a figure comes crashing down.


"Go for it Panthamon!"

Panthamon charges Tyrannomon and attacks feet first. Tyrannomon simply brushes her off.

"Blaze Blast!"

Panthamon jumps out of the way.

"Gina, use the card slash on the digivice! I need some help here!"

"Oh, right."

She takes out her card game cards and looks them over.

"Uh, which one?"

"The power up! Hurry!"

"Oh, uh, here it is!"

Gina slashes the card through the reader. Panthamon glows for a second and then does her first attack again, feet first. Tyrannomon grunts in pain. Panthamon leaps into the air and let's loose her attack

"Dark Stars!"

Tyrannomon grunts in pain again but nothing happens. Enraged he strikes Panthamon and she crashes to the ground hard. Gina hold up her digivice.

"Panthamon, digivolve!"

"Panthamon digivolve too....Tigamon!!!"

On all fours, tiger head, lion's mane with the spots of a leopard.

"Blaze Blast!"

Tigamon leaps up and over Tyrannomon and lands behind him.

"Roar Blaster!"

Tyrannomon roars in pain and turns to her.

"Fire Mane!"

Tyrannomon roars in pain before disintigrating. Tigamon goes back to being Panthamon. Gina looks up to see an airplane passing overhead.

"Crud. I think someone saw us. Come on."

As they go through the forest Gina's walkie-talkie comes to life.

*Charlie, Gina, this is Joshua. You read me?*

"I hear you Joshua." says Gina.

*Loud and clear.* comes Charlie.

*Have either of you had a "Champion moment?"*

"Have I ever." says Gina

*Likewise.* comes Charlie

*Let's meet at the diner. Compare notes, that sort of thing.*

"On my way." says Gina

*I'll meet you there.* says Charlie

*Over and out*


"A local traffic reporter recently caught these several seconds of footage of what he describes as a red dinosaur and multi-species cat fighting. The cat creature seems to have won and then disappeared as well. Similar strange occurance have been happening elsewhere in the vicinity of Grand Lake. In other news, the Marine Corps battalion that left Tinker Air Force Base....."

The diner is abuzz with the news of the fight. Charlie, Joshua and Gina sit at booth nervously. Two locals pass by.

"Deputy Morgan says he saw a couple himself."

"Harvey? No way!"

"Well, I guess our secret's out." says Charlie

"Mr Morgan said he'd keep it a secret." says Joshua.

"In the meantime I suggest we get us some more cards." says Gina "That one I used was helpful, but we could use other's as well."

"Good idea." says Charlie "I think Greystone Toy's has them."

"So where'd you have your encounter?" says Joshua

"Near Catfish Cove. You?"

"Along Highway 5 near Stone Point. Gina?"

"Sweetgrass Plain."

"It's going to get worse you know?" says Charlie "What's your dad have to say about this?"

"I'm not sure." says Joshua "Monster hunt's aren't exactly the sheriff's job. He has enough trouble keeping the people calm."

"This is going to get uglier isn't it?" says Charlie

"Count on it." says Gina.

"And you can thank Monroe for it." says Joshua

Charlie looks at him with an odd look.

"The woman with the green hair?"

"I saw her too." says Gina "She's gotta be behind it."

"We'll have to keep an eye out for her." says Joshua "The computer at the station could be helpful."

"Do it." says Charlie "Meanwhile, let's try to keep our digimon at a low profile. Agreed?"

"Agreed" comes three voices.

to be continued....


Part 3: