What A Vacation!

Here I am still pinching myself over how wonderful my life has become since being here with Woody and the boys and then I find out that Woody's mom and step dad are taking us on a wonderful dream vacation!! They decided to take themselves and all their kids and spouses or significant others on a wonderful cruise to Grand Caymen, Cozumel and New Orleans!!

Woody and I flew down to Florida, where his mom and step dad live and I was soooooo scared, here I was just meeting his ENTIRE family it seemed...*laughs* But they weren't scary at all, they were all so truly wonderful and I fell in love with them right away...*smiles*

I was in awe as we stood in line to begin boarding on the ship, it was a beautiful sunny day and the ship loomed above us looking absolutely huge!!! As we boarded I could only look around in amazement at the atrium we entered. It was beautiful, so huge and glass elevators that ran up and down in a non stop of people going here and there. Woody and I went to our cabin and got situated to begin this wonderful trip of a lifetime.

For those of you who have never been on a cruise befor, let me tell you...if you get the chance to go one one...DO IT!!! We were pampered and spoiled the entire time!! The food is absolutely fantastic and there seems to be something going on around the clock to keep you interested. We had wonderful fun with the entire family and at times we all set off on our own to explore and enjoy all that this fantastic cruise had to offer.

Here the entire bunch of us are debarking in beautiful Cozumel and this was my favorite stop on the whole trip. The shopping was wonderful and the sights beautiful. I couldn't believe how blue the water was there, it shimmered like liquid saphires that were just calling you to it.

Not just the sites we stopped at, but the entire time onboard this beautiful ship we were on the go it seemed. There were two nights that we had to be in formal wear for dinner and wow!! This family sure can clean up nice if I do say so myself...*grins*

All in all it was the trip of a lifetime that I won't ever forget, I have wonderful memories and a fantastic family to share them all with and of course, the most wonderful man in the world who I love with all my heart. Thank You Woody for giving me so many wonderful memories and making so many dreams come true.
