My personal music

I suppose that each one of us has something inside of us, some place that we go for moments of peace. One of my greatest loves has always been music...of just about any kind. And one thing that people may not know about me, not only do I make a great dee-jay *grins* but I also love to play the flute.

Way back many years ago (listens to those bones creak) when I was very young I decided that I wanted to join the band while I was in school. Living in a very small school it was amazing to me that in only the 5th grade I could start taking lessons. Right from the very beginning I knew I wanted to play the flute and never thought about any other instrument.

Being so young and knowing how kids can lose interest in things quickly my mother was not truthfully convinced I would stick with this undertaking so I did some very big begging and pleading for her to buy me a flute and finally after much time and using the rented one for quite some time, practicing faithfully she finally gave in and I owned then my very first flute.

All through junior high and high school I practiced, I played, I went to contest and I scoured music stores for music of my own choosing, rewriting the music by hand when I couldn't find the popular choices in the flute section...*grins* I always felt such peace when playing, and though it's been many years since I sat down and tried to create that beautiful music I still am drawn to it. The beauty of classical music now calls to me, hearing the strain of that flute standing out to my own ears. Maybe this is an odd about me page, but it is something that stirs my soul...maybe someday I'll go back to this, for now I lose myself in writing, though it does not touch me as deeply as the music washing over my senses.

Handels Sonata in G major