Her Search For Him

by: Sharon Floyd

Long ago in days of old,
a hero could be seen.
A mighty sword held in his hand,
his eyes a brilliant green
A dragon master he could of been,
if the battle had been won.
He has now been taken, from his true love,
The Princess of the Sun.
Through nights and days a guard is there,
to keep her from the harm,
She peers out from her window glass,
and grasps her royal charm.
What kind of life she must live in,
to always be alone.
To sit there guarded day and night,
like a statue made of stone.
She motions to a flying dove,
to help her with a task,
To message to the one she loves,
a simple job she asks.
She loops a letter to it's claw,
then tells the dove to go,
and fly like the fire in the night,
to the one so far below.
The one who guards her, hears a noise,
and quickly turns around,
Her shining knight is standing there,
to free her soul that's bound.
The guard picks up his Battle Axe,
and swings it towards the knight,
The Excalibur now shines with rage,
as he brings it into sight.
The blade plunged deep into his chest,
and pinned him to the door,
now free from all that blocked their way,
and now safe for evermore.

Through The Eyes Of Love