Online Can Be Painful

                                   I have been thinking about many things in my mind, I write an awful lot,
                                   it is a way for me to express my feelings, to relieve anger and to cope
                                   with hurts, disappointments, frustrations and to try at times to capture
                                   the electrifying emotions of friendship, love and passion from the heart.
                                   On this page and I'm sure more to come I'm deciding to vent my views
                                   and my views only on certain emotions and feelings that may be inside
                                   of me at the time, so please just bear with me.

                                   This evening I was thinking about how long I've been online, at times it
                                   feels like forever, at other times it seems like I've just been here a
                                   short time. No matter that, I do know that along the journeys I've gone
                                   through I've met some very wonderful people and had a whole new world
                                   opened up to me. One of the amazing things about being online is that
                                   you can meet people from all over the world and can learn so much about
                                   places you've never been.

                                   It's very easy to become friends with the people here online, for you
                                   spend so much time communicating, revealing, sharing, laughing and
                                   yes..even crying at times. I think one thing we tend to forget at times
                                   is that there are real people sitting at their computers and their
                                   feelings are just as fragile and just as real as if you were sitting
                                   right there beside them.

                                   Some of us come online for the friendships, some for fun, some for
                                   mischief. No matter the reasons we seem to find those others out there
                                   that we bond with and seem to always look for, always wish to learn
                                   more of and yes, these people we do call friends. We can reveal our
                                   dreams, our many things. Maybe it's easier to actually sit
                                   and write these things out without speaking them, maybe it's because
                                   we seem to find those people who are like ourselves and we feel we can
                                   truly be free and open with them...actually I'm not sure why, but I do
                                   know that it happens and we cherish these times.

                                   Of course we have our problems and times with these friends, just as we
                                   do in real life. No one always has perfect days and sometimes we just
                                   don't see eye to eye on all issues and then we can snap and growl and
                                   say things to hurt another. It's not that we mean to, but sometimes we
                                   do so without thinking. That has been on my mind tonight, for I have
                                   had some friends going through some hard times. How I wish to be there
                                   for them, wish that I could help. I myself have not always had good
                                   days and I've snapped in a foul mood and said things that I wished
                                   later I hadn't of those that I have done that to, I am truly

                                   But do we become so wrapped up in our own pain at times to totally push
                                   these people, these friends away? Yes, sad to say sometimes we do and
                                   that is painful. When someone just totally decides to disappear it's
                                   hard for different reasons. One being that they isolate themselves away
                                   from these people who have grown to care for them, the other is that it
                                   hurts these people too. Who in the world is so rich that they can not
                                   be bothered when they lose a friend? I'm not going to speak for anyone
                                   else, but I know that friends and people that I care about are the
                                   things that mean more to me than any amount of money or riches ever
                                   could. I shall stop this rambling now, but this is my plea...before
                                   you do or say things because you are hurting, please take the time to
                                   remember those friends out there who can become just as hurt by your
                                   actions. Know and remember all the times that you have shared
                                   together and please don't throw that away, for friendship makes us all
                                   a little more wealthy in this life.

Theme From Forrest Gump
(No reason, I just love the song)