I have been so very touched by some very special people
here and this page I am dedicating to them, and to the
very special gifts I have received from them *S*
This was given to me by my dearest friend JoJo, I can't
ever say thank you enough to you sis!
Thank You Miss Monkie my aquarian twin!! I cant
believe You remembered, how special *S*
I am touched that my Secret Sister and I were
honored with these for being good sisters, she makes
it easy because she is so wonderful and this means
so very much to me, thank you!
Lady J visited my site and sent me this wonderful
gift for my story of survival. Thank You, I am
moved beyond words for the kind things you said to me
I just received this wonderful gift and am so
very moved and proud - thank you Angie, you have
touched my heart and I thank you for everything.
Thank you dear JoJo...you never forget me
I love you dear friend.
Thank you Karen, you are the best SS I
could ever imagine, you always touch me
with laughter and your true kindness {{{hugs}}}
Thank you my dear friend tessa, you knew
when I was going through a very hard time
in my life and you sent me this wonderful
bear, you mean the world to me my friend
This globe was made for me by my best friend JoJo
Isn't she absolutely the best!!! I love ya hon!
I was awarded the site of the month for August, 1999
This was so unexpected and touched me deeply
I can never expression my thanks enough to You Laura
Oh my dear Jo, you are truly the best friend I've
ever had. We have shared so much together and I can't
ever tell you exactly how special you are to me.
Thank you so much for this gift - I love you sis!
Ancel, thank you so much for your kindness and for your
wonderful giving spirit. You have created a truly beauitiful
thing to be very proud of.
Christina, thank you so very much for your kind spirit.
I shall display this proudly!!!
This background and these graphics were made just
for me by my dear friend and sister JoJo, please do
not take them, for they are very special to me.
Can You Feel The Love Tonight