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Watershed Development first page: First page of this web site
Watershed day: Appeal to celebrate 15th February as watershed day
List of Technologies: Links to other techniques used in Watershed

Different techniques tried in Naigaon village of Gram Gourav Pratishthan, in village Ralegan Shindi and in village Adgaon where watershed development programme was undertaken; can be mentioned as under with their pros and corns.


NAME OF THE TECHNIQUE : At Naigaon village Pani Panchayat carried out grassland development on 2.4 hect. out of total plot of 16 hect. Tree plantation was also included in the same area.

NATURE AND PURPOSE OF THE TECHNIQUE: At Naigaon village where Pani Panchayat is working, the hilly area in the 16 hect. experimental plot was very undulating and sloppy. Traditional agriculture was uneconomical and farmers were getting only their seeds back and some fodder for their cattle. Such area was converted into green lush grassland. Traditional agriculture on hill slopes was totally stopped. Grassland helped in soil and water conservation. When there was heavy rainfall grass acted as a shock absorber and checked velocity of rain drops. This ultimately reduced chances of soil erosion and accelerates. This allows infiltration of water into the soil. Thus grassland development helped in soil and water conservation.

WHO WILL ADOPT THIS TECHNIQUE: In Maharashtra state percentage of barren land on the hill top and along the hill slope is very large. As mentioned above agriculture on this land is very uneconomical; people having such type of land and people having waste land can adopt this technique. Also this technique can be adopted on common land or government land.

WHY THIS TECHNIQUE SHOULD BE ADOPTED: Instead of uneconomical agriculture farmers can grow grass in this area and can use that as a fodder for cattle. Farmers can go for dairy development if good quantity and quality of grass is available. Thus he can get some economic returns from the land. On common land, village as a whole can work for grassland development with the intention that this work will increase water availability in their wells and stop further degradation of the common or government land.

TO ADOPT THE TECHNIQUE: Adoption of this technique is very simple, cost effective and this does not require any hi-tech knowledge. In a village grassland can be developed with the help of villagers themselves. Protection of the area with social fencing helps in natural regeneration of the local grasses. For social fencing villagers should come forward, discuss among themselves for development of their village and adopt method of stall feeding for their cattle. If due to certain reasons natural grass regeneration is not good then seeds of some grasses can be spread.

RESULTS AFTER ADOPTION OF A TECHNIQUE: The results can be stated as under: 1. Soil along the hill slope and hill top is protected from erosion due to flowing water. Thus work of soil conservation is done without any special hi-tech technique. 2. Huge biomass is generated which can be used for cattle as fodder and also used as compost or as organic manure. 3. As flowing water is obstructed, rate of infiltration is increased. At Khalad village where Pani Panchayat is working, it is possible to develop zero run_off watershed. All flowing water percolates into the soil. 4. Income level from waste land increased.

PROBLEMS IN ADOPTION: It is very difficult to stop grazing of animals. There are several reasons for it. Main thing is that people are not ready for stall feeding as it is laborious work. Also they are not bothered about erosion of the land which does not belong to them.

SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM: In Khalad village of Pani Panchayat the land belongs to the trust thus there was no problem of grazing. In Naigaon all the area is fenced with the help of thorny agave plantation which is also used for rope making. Also meetings with the people for social fencing are needed. If people are aware about increased yield due to stall feeding they will not allow cattle to go to the grass land. This solution is adopted in Ralegan Shindi.

KEY FACTORS IN SUCCESS: Factors contributing success can be listed as below: 1. Local technique, easy to adopt. 2. Low cost technique. 3. External input to the village is zero or in the form of seeds only. 4. Participation of villagers in each and every stage of implementation of the programme.

Centre for Management of Local Resources
Pune, Maharashtra