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Different techniques tried in Naigaon village of Gram Gourav Pratishthan, in village Ralegan Shindi and in village Adgaon where watershed development programme was undertaken; can be mentioned as under with their pros and corns.


NAME OF THE TECHNIQUE: At Ralegan Shindi an innovative method of soil conservation is adopted and it is Gully plug.

NATURE AND PURPOSE OF THE TECHNIQUE : Gully plug is one of the simple method of soil and water conservation. It plays an important role in soil and water conservation, when they are put in series one below the other from top to bottom of the depression.

Gullies are formed due to erosion of top soil by the flow of rain water. In course of time, a gully assumes a big shape and erosion goes on increasing. To prevent erosion, barriers or plugs of different types of material are put across the gully, at certain intervals.

WHO WILL ADOPT THIS TECHNIQUE: In Maharashtra state percentage of hilly and sloppy area is very large. As mentioned above soil cover in this part of land is very less; people having such type of land and people having land with gullies can adopt this technique. Also this technique can be adopted on common land or government land if concerned people agree to the proposal.

WHY THIS TECHNIQUE SHOULD BE ADOPTED: Farmers were not getting any income from this area. Now with improved soil condition in this area they can get some income in the form of grass and income from the trees. On common land village as a whole can work for gully plugs, with the intention that this work will increase water availability in the groundwater table. And also to stop further degradation around the gully.

HOW TO ADOPT THE TECHNIQUE: Adoption of this technique is very simple, cost effective and this does not require any hi-tech knowledge like grassland development. Construction of a plug is done mainly with the help of locally available boulders. A dry stone masonry wall of these boulders is constructed across a gully. This wall allows water to flow through it but allows soil to deposit through it, thus on the up stream side of a plug. For this type of work on common land and on government land, villagers should come forward, discuss among themselves for development of their village and adopt a method of soil and water conservation in the form of gully plugs. It was done in Ralegan Shindi and people contributed one manday per week per family for common works.

RESULTS AFTER ADOPTION OF A TECHNIQUE: The results are as under: 1. Soil along the hill slope and hill top is protected from erosion caused due to flowing water. Thus work of soil conservation is done without any special hi-tech technique. 2. Once soil degradation is stopped biomass is generated which can be used as fodder and can be used as an organic manure. 3. Allows more time for water to percolate in the ground and thus helps in recharging the ground water table. In Ralegan Shindi rate of run-off water is decreased, which means there is infiltration of water into the ground. 4. Income level from waste land increased. 5. Silt accumulated can be used for nursery plants or can be used in the fields for increasing organic matter in the fields. In Adgaon silt is used for fields.

PROBLEMS IN ADOPTION: For construction of a gully plug labour is required which people are ready to give; but in initial stages of the project economic conditions of the people was not good. People wanted some cost for their labour. Thus there was a problem of money. Also on common lands people were not bothered about erosion of the land which did not belong to them.

SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM: In village Ralegan Shindi, the working agency could get funds from state government for this types of work, thus there was no problem. Also meetings with the people for work on the common land were needed. If people become aware about problems due to soil erosion, then they will not allow further soil erosion.

KEY FACTORS IN SUCCESS: Factors contributing success can be said to be as under: 1. Local technique, easy to adopt. 2. Low cost technique. 3. External input to the village is zero. 4. Participation of villagers in each and every stage of implementation of the programme. 5. Some financial assistance to the villagers from state government, in initial stage.

Centre for Management of Local Resources
Pune, Maharashtra