Hey! I hope you enjoy my page. It's not done yet but i plan on working and updating it often.

For information on marijuana and other psycadelic drugs plus links to other related sites Click Here

For information on some kewl bands and artists like Pink Floyd, NIN, The Doors, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana, Pearl jam, Tool, and Korn...including links to other related sites Click Here

Recently the McCain Bill was proposed. In case you haven't heard of it, it's a bill that will impose a half trillion dollar tax increase on tobacco companies. I noticed an article written in the local newspaper about this bill. I can't agree with it more. Even if you are not a smoker, I suggest you read this very interesting not so time-consuming article on Taxing Cigarettes. After all, it is your money they are spending.

This site will also soon contain:

~~ poetry, and personal information on my self~~


This site is always under construction

This page was created on April 10th, 1998
Last Updated: May 20, 1998

e-mail me at trippy_majjik@hotmail.com

people have hit this page since April 14th, 1998