Grading System
= Flat our Excellent. No or very few flaw keep this from being one of the most entertaining or well writen collections ever. Sometimes a low price combined with an excellent set of stories can boost a book into this range.
= Very entertaining. Well worth reading if you enjoy the character or writer. High price, lack of substance (entertaining but rereads are not likely), other TPB's or comic required for the ending (Wolverine Mini-series) or extras that should have been but were not included, like no including the covers to the books in the TPB, may keep a book in this category.
= Entertaining but really has nothing different to offer. Also, the price for number of issues in the TPB may factor into a lower rating. Marvel is especially guilty of publishing TPB's that are only 3 issues, then charging 15.00 for it. Thats a rip off no matter how good the stories are.
= Lacks any real value. Stuff that is here might be entertaining once but you will probably never reread it. These books will probably appeal to hard core fans of the particular character or title.
= Virtually worthless. These stories are so conveluted with words it is like reading a textbook. Art is poor and the stories lack any point, the book has no focus, or I just really did not enjoy reading the book.
No Stars = This is the lowest of the low. I rarely if ever give a book a rating so low, probably because I despised it so much I don't want to bother writing a review. These books are so bad, I am mystified as to why there were even collected into a TPB.
I also give 1/2 stars for books. These are usually given when the book does not fit the criteria of a certain star rating.