JLA Year One
Grade: 1/2
Year One stories I sort of despise, although I always read them. It really takes some pelotas (its Spanish, look it up) to think you can do history better than those who wrote it the first time. I didn't like Batman, Year 1, or X-men Children of the Atom, or even Man of Steel, all acclaimed year 1 stories.
The JLA story didn't change my mind. While nothing is wrong with it, there isn't anything great about it either. There are a few good moments between characters and some creative fight scenes, but overall I was unimpressed. Like all year 1 stories, my problem is that huge epic stories are placed between other old stories. To me there is nothing wrong with the old stories the way they were, its over, let it go. Work on the modern character, not tweeking the old ones.
I dont really care if a writer can fit in extra Hulk stories between the time he joined Avengers in #1 and quit in #2. In this case, I don't care that the JLA had a ton of conflicts between members (Please note, I have only read about 3 silver age JLA stories, so if these conflicts occured in original issues, then this miniseries simply retold the problem, which I don't care for either). If you are a huge retro JLA fan that loves modern takes on old stories, add a star and buy the TPB. If your like me, subtract a star and dont even look for it on e-bay. I believe 2 1/2 is fair for a story that didn't impress me, but has the potential to impress a lot of other people.