Marvels is the well know 4 book story that launched Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross into superstar status. The art is gorgeous, there is no doubting it, but something just seams off, I'm not sure what it is. I'll look at each issue individually, for they are all so different.
Book 1: The story features the golden age of marvels, mostly focusing on the original two marvel characters, Human Torch and Sub Mariner. Captain America also has a small part. I liked the art and feeling of this story, but it is also the weakest book in the TPB, it jumps around so much it is hard to follow, and I am sure very few people are familiar with the original stories in this book, I know I was not.
Book 2: This is probably the strongest portion of the book, focusing on the anti mutant sentiment and the way society is so hypocritical. The message is extremly powerful, book 2 symbolizes the civil rights fight in the 50/60's. A real standout and one of the most important comics published in recent memory.
Book 3: The coming of Galactus. Another well writen story, but lack the punch of story 1 and 2. The art in book 3 is probably the best of all the books. The story moves its focus off Phil for the fight, but at the end it makes a strong statement about how people are always looking to blame and can not be grateful when saved.
Book 4: The death of Gwen Stacy. Like book 2, its pretty powerful but the ending is a little confusing.
I really enjoyed this book and you get a lot of extras for the money, a behind the scenes guide and most useful of all, a sources page which tell what original comics were used to peace together the stories in this book. 20.00 is a little high, 15.00 would have been more agreable. Also, the book is a fast read but is pretty deap, so you will keep coming back. And like everyone else, I was blown away by the art and keep looking at it again and again. Well worth picking up if you see it on e-bay and if you are a marvel history buff, worth the full price.