Robin: A Hero Reborn
This trade collect the first story arc staring the third Robin and the first Robin mini-series. As far as the trade goes, it is not incredible but still pretty entertaining.
The story arc, which is from Batman 455-457 is about Tim's quest to gain acceptance from Batman. He solves a crime, saves Batman and earns the right to the costume. The mini-series picks up right after 457 ends. Tim decides he is not ready to hit the streets and goes to get training. There are some serious flaws that even some one who knows little about Batman should spot. First off Tim often is shown not wearing his mask while in front of strangers. One of them is Batman's enemy Shiva who decides to help train Robin. For someone who know how important the secret is, this is a bit strange.
The writing is still pretty good and the art is clean. Again, it is all just a touch above average. The TBP is printed on very cheep paper. None of that heavy weight stuff that Astro City is on, this is probably the same stuff the comics themselves were printed on. It is probably not incredibly durable but atleast the art does not bleed through so you can see it on the oppistie page. The price is the main reason to buy. It is only $4.95, you could not buy all the original issues for that unless they are all in the quarter bin. For less than the cost of two new comics, you can get 190+ pages of a good story that will entertain you.