Wolverine Mini Series
Warning, to fully enjoy this trade paper back you will also need to purchase the X-men, From the Ashes TPB. This TPB is continued by some issues in that TPB.
Now that that is out of the way, as it stands on its own, this Wolvie TPB is quite good. It features to work of two pro's, Chris Claremont and Frank Miller. Is exciting to read, has lots of ninjas, and features excellent artwork.
The story is a little basic, it reads like a pulp movie, and I finished it fairly quickly. There are not a lot of twists and sometimes the story gets confusing, it jumps very suddenly and your are trying to figure out what just happened. This is most evident between issues. The scenes shift so suddenly, you wonder if they had additional pages planned but had to cut them for space.
Then there is the ending. When you finish the TPB you do get an ending, but it is so sudden, you know there must be more to the story, and there is. The problem is the book does not say where you can find the conclusion, it is the X-men, From the Ashes TPB. I would not have know that if I had not already owned that TPB already. But, now that you know that, pick up both books and enjoy. Their good reading.