I sell only Facehuggers Devon Rex. I also sell Faerietail Manx. Beware of imposters.
I am also not Dominion Devon Rex
Faerietail is a real Manx cattery. It is not Devon Rex. My Devon Rex cattery is Facehuggers.
Much info from several sites and many pictures of Devon kittens were scraped to cobble the site together.
SCAM SITE is https://all4salemanxtech.com/
Another is https://dominioncatteryusa.com/
I've made a complaint with Google about Gmail being used for wire fraud. He is using CashApp and has tried Zelle. I'm trying to make Paypal aware of this, too.
We need to make as much noise about this as possible.
A scam shipping company is https://theglobexshipping.com/
Report scams to https://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx/
This last one goes after the sites.

Visit the Faerietail Manx Page
See my standard contract on the Faerietail Manx page.
Visit the Devon Rex Retirees