Alright people it's been many a long years since I have been doing i'm back and with the help of certain people I swear this
will be the most interesting webpage you'll have seen in a very long
But you see, to create something like that takes time...and thats not
what i have a lot of. So please don't expect anything dramatic for a
while, but be prepared for something time!
This page has been shotup and shitted on F!@#ING times so piss off!

Email ME Now!

Click here to see an animation of how a Computer beat
the world's greatest chess player.
Go to the animals!
For a bit of fun!

To the Wu-Tang Shrine!

The Gift Of Friendship
Friendship is a priceless gift
That cannot be bought or sold,
But it's value is far greater
Than a mountain made of gold
For gold is cold and lifeless,
It can neither see nor hear,
And in the time of trouble
It is powerless to cheer
It has no ears to listen
No heart to understand
It cannot bring you comfort
Or reach out a helping hand,
So when you ask God for a gift,
Be thankful if He sends
Not diamonds, pearls or riches,
But the love of real true friends.
Alrighty, this one is for all people out there that have anything to do
with me at all. This is for any one who is good, evil, queer or happy.
And i just wanna say to anyone that has ever stuck up for me, and kept
me alive...............a BIG.......
from me!
Well...seeing as though i aint got anything better to do/put on this
page i'd better give some places to go to..
ok wait...
Places To Visit when your bored of moping around here..(NOW!)
- Virtual Presents
- A nice site where you can send presents to your friend....or enemies, through e-mail!
- Loud Records
- This stie is the home to my favourite group, Wu-Tang's record label.!
- MY friends homepage now i remember, try it out it's cool!
- Adrians home(Y) page
- eh ,fun stuff
- The Virtual Place:
- "In VR anything can happen!"
- Midi Plugin for Windows XX
- Well as u can probably tell if you have a good enough browser, that a midi is playing.
But it sounds shit right? Well, now you can pump dis' shit loud. Go to this site and get all
the available software to make this stuff sound good.
- Akumo's Homepage:
- "My IRC friend Akumo's Homepage..there used to be grotesque pics"
- XLR8ER/HOMER'S Homepage:
- "This is my SYSOP's home page. The StreetFighter FanFic Page"

Yep thats my name now..."RaEkWoN" ®
You can find me on IRC
Server: port:6667 :6667 : 7000
Channels: #Asiacafe
I'm on ICQ too
UIN: 3526168

RaEkWoN Enterprises 1998 ®