When I think of hats, what comes to mind are all those wonderful hats that Lucille Ball wore during her show of "I Love Lucy". I have been
collecting hats for many years. I originally started with 2 hats purchased at a yard sale for 10 cents a piece. From there it skyrocketed to
a collection of over 80 hats. Below is a picture of the two hats that started it all!
I collect hats as a hobby, and because this is a hobby I try to never spend to much money when purchasing my hats. The most expensive hat
cost $5.00 and I bought it at a church fundraiser. I personally felt that it was a very worthwhile cause and paid that amount eventhough I
normally try not to spend over $3.00 (remember it is a hobby). It is a pretty pink thing that was certainly worth the cost!
The best places to find old vintage hats are at yard sales (especially if the sales are by older people), or at church rummage sales. For
those of you who would like to buy beautiful vintage hats, (and other accessories) here is a site which I found to have resonable prices,
Vintage Hats From Cathy. One can start a nice collection with this site.
You of course miss all the fun of hunting and looking through tons of stuff for sale, but when you finally find that special hat, it is certainly
worth all of the hard work.
For the person who doesn't have the time or inclination to go looking for that special treasure (hat) at a rummage, yard, or garage sale, here
are some other places which I found to be useful if one wanted to add to one's vintage collection,
A Victorian Elegance or
Millicent's Another Place In Time.
Finally, one more thing about my hat collection and me! I also LOVE to read. And since this page is about hats, and I love
to read, I'm including a beautiful story that I hope you take the time to read.
"The Milliner's Dream; or, The Wedding-Bonnett,"
it tells about the making of a hat and the wedding preparations of a young bride, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did !