- Digital Equipment 1994 – 1995
- Principal Developer on a Call Logging System. System used Client/Server model extensively, utilising DECMessageQ technology. Coding in Pascal and C, with SQL, RDB and other Digital products
- EDS 1994
- Member of Performance team on a Control Room operations system for an Electricity company
- Role involved extensive performance and capacity testing of RDB databases and conversion of SQL routines to ANSI compliant standards (being introduced at that time).
- Digital Equipment 1990 – 1994
- Team leader on a number of data warehousing projects using RDB and SQL.
- Co-ordinated work between the team and acted as the design and technical authority.
- Responsible for analysis, design and development of data warehouse for Effort Tracking and Order Fulfilment.
- Analyst, responsible for designing, specifying and testing changes and additions to a Portfolio management system.
- Coding was carried out in Basic.
- Digital Equipment 1988-1990
- Involved in development, and pan-European support, of data warehouses and business reporting systems, using RDB, SQL, Pascal, DCL, Datatrieve and Basic, plus Digital layered products such as RMS, CMS, CDD, etc.
- Department Of Trade & Industry 1987-1988
- Developer on Management system for Research Establishments. Coding was in Basic and covered elements such as Accounts receivable and payable, general ledger, fixed asset management and management reporting.
- Trained incoming DTI support team in elements of the system.
Allen Computers Team Leader 1985-1987
- Responsible for facilities managing an EPOS system for a chain of DIY stores.
- Ensured that data was collected and processed from stores on a nightly basis and transactions processed and reports delivered each day.
- Carried out requirements analysis exercises with clients and designed and managed development of new modules/functionality.
- Undertook Project Management training (1 week residential course)
- Recruited as Analyst/Programmer and promoted to Team Leader, 1987
Spectra Strip Analyst/Programmer 1983-1985
- One of a team of two running IT department for cable manufacturer.
- Responsible for developing and supporting computer systems which controlled sales, manufacturing, accounting and other business areas. All software was developed in-house.
- Carried out analysis, design, coding and implementation of a Quotation system for telesales team.
- Recruited as Programmer and promoted to Analyst/Programmer, 1984
South Coast Systems Junior Programmer 1981-1983
- Carried out analysis, design, coding, delivery and training for bespoke systems for a number of small businesses in the Hampshire/Dorset area, including billing system for a taxi firm and a production system for a furniture manufacturer.
- Provided on-site technical support for a number of clients, including bakers and engineering companies.
- Developed software in Basic and Bristol Software Factory’s early 3 GL product.
- Recruited as Trainee Programmer and promoted to Junior, 1981
Stage One Computers Trainee Programmer 1980-1981
- Carried out development of accounting and file management software in Basic.
- Provided technical and demonstration support to salesforce.
- Developed rolling demonstrations for use in premises and at shows.
- Acted as ‘shopfront’ salesman.
City & Guilds IT qualification & 9 ‘O’ levels