The Writing Page
The written word articulates many of our thoughts and emotions. In the following pages, I have put together a sampling of works from various fields and disciplines. May these academic pieces stimulate you in your thirst for knowledge. Kindly contact me if you would like to discuss any of the arguments in the essays, or would like to contribute in any way to The Writing Page. General
Major Theoretical Schools of International Relations Socioeconomic Inequality & the Organ Trade - A Commentary America
The American Involvement in Vietnam Inside The Insider Europe
Boundaries & Social Order in Colonial Africa Military Rearmament in Germany The Prosperity Border - Post-Cold War Transitions in Eastern Europe The Quest for European Supremacy - Power, Consensus & Security in Western Europe South Asia The British "Civilising Mission" & its Legacy on India's Political Culture Nuclear Power & Security in South Asia Northeast Asia
China & the Korean War Cross-Strait Tensions in Taiwan - a Potential "Flashpoint" of the Asia-Pacific Region? Mao Zedong & Personal Power The Sleeping Dragon Awakes - The Rise of China & the Future of International Security Tradition & Change - Examining Gender Roles in Japan Southeast Asia ASEAN in the Cold War & Post-Cold War Eras Gus Dur's Indonesia - One Year On? The Indonesian Middle Classes & the New Order Indonesia: A Country in Flux Perception & Memory - The Vietnamese "Nation" in History The Vietnamese "Nation" in the Trinh-Nguyen Era (1600-1771) Singapore Addressing Class Inequality: Singapore's Education System & the Class Divide The Chinese Wedding - Reflections of Then & Now The Gifted Education Programme in Singapore "Shared Values" - Their Role in Singapore's Evolving Ideological Framework Singapore 21 & Nation Building Singapore's Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era
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Please note that all works of writing on this page are copyrighted to Mark Lim Shan-Loong. Any ideas and opinions expressed in the essays may only be quoted if properly acknowledged. Kindly inform me of any such usage. Commercial use is strictly prohibited except with my permission.
Words from the Heart
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