

Codename: Serenity

Real Name: Michaela Carpenter

Age: 25

Ht: 5'3"

Wt: 110 lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Appearance: Serenity has layered, chin-length brown hair and green eyes. She usually wears plain, non-descript clothing, most often in dark colors. Her favorite outfit is a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, a flannel shirt of some kind and her black leather jacket. She alternates between sneakers and cowboy boots, depending on her mood. She has three tattoos: a lily with leaves on the outside of her left ankle, an arm band that goes all around her right bicep and a yin-yang on her left shoulder- blade. Her ears are pierced once. She has a light dusting of freckles on her nose.

Personality: Serenity is naturally very calm and together. She's a peace-loving young woman and hates violence. That doens't stop her from using force and violence when necessary to make a point or keep the peace. She is typically quiet and has a tendency towards being shy when she first meets someone. She likes to watch things around her and gather information before forming opinions on things. She's caring and loyal and willing to do whatever necessary to protect everyone and maintain what little peace there is left in the world.

Affiliation: Currently none


Powers: Serenity is a powerful empath (think Betazoid from Star Trek) and is capable of picking up the emotions of those around her; this ability also serves as a lie detector. Nobody can successfully lie to her. She is also a telekinetic capable of using her mind to levitate herself and other people and objects. When using her telekinetic powers, her eyes glow with green light, giving her an eerie look.

Limitations: If she comes under a forceful telepathic assault it can leave her disoriented and dull her empathic abilities for a period of time. If the attack is strong enough, it could render her unconscious for a short time.

Skills: Serenity was trained in Akido for ten years, from the time age thirteen to age twenty-three. She has also been trained in the art of sword-fighting. She is very agile and quick on her feet.

Weapons: Serenity has a sword given to her by her father. He is the one who taught her how to fight using swords and who paid for all her Akido lessons.


Serenity's mother died during childbirth; consequently Serenity was raised by her father in their home in San Francisco. When she was twelve, she learned of her telekinetic and emphatic abilities and told her father about them. He was very tolerant of his daughter's abilities and even helped her test her limits and got her into a special counciling program to help her learn how to deal with being a mutant in society. The Akido lessons were a present for her thirteenth birthday, and Serenity continued with them for ten years. She still trains and works out on her own even though she stopped with the formal training over two years ago.

Her best friend, Jillian, who was also a mutant, was killed when a mob of mutant-haters broke into her family's home one night and burned the place down with Jill in it. The girls were seventeen at the time. Serenity has never fully gotten over that tragedy, and she wishes people were more educated about mutants so they wouldn't fear and hate them. Serenity knows there are problems in the world today, bigger problems than most humans realize. She wants to help keep the world and the people in it safe, but she doesn't know where to start.

She currently lives in a community outside San Francisco, amid a huge redwood forest, close to the Pacific shore. Her father still lives in the home she grew up in in SF.