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CCS 64
GET IT AT THIS SITE--The Computer Brain HQ
The CCS 64 Emulator is the best emulator for the 64 on the PC, infact for any computer. The quality of emulation is of such a
high standard that you soon forget that you're actually using an emulator, in many ways its better than the real thing! One of the
only drawbacks with CCS 64 was that it had no built in facility to fastload games, thankfully the new version 2.0 beta,
includes such a facility and some games will load in extremely quickly. The VIC chip and SID chip of the 64 is emulated too
perfection and even the most demanding demos and games, like Mayhem In Monsterland or the Creatures series will run
without problems. The sound emulation is excellent and all the Hubbard/Galway classics play without a hitch. CCS 64 2.0
includes support for 64 cartridges (e.g. Action Replay) and system roms (e.g. Speed Dos). If you use CCS 64 on a regular
basis then please register it, to ensure continued development of this superb emulator.
DownLoad at this site---PHS
One of the oldest 64 emulators and one of the best, its emulation is excellent, graphically its very good, except it does have
problems with a few titles such as Mayhem in Monsterland where the screen corrupts. The sound emulation is superb and is
on a par with CCS. It will load most games but it does have a few drawbacks, a few titles will not run through the emulator
and a few titles, like Little Computer People or Borrowed Time require the full emulation mode on which really slows down
the loading process considerably. The interface is very good and is easy to use. This emulator competes very favourably with
CCS but its not as good and considering the price tag to purchase the full commercial version it is highly overpriced.
Download at this site---The Vice Emulator Home Page
Vice is a good emulator, but although it emulates the graphics and sound well, its the 1541 emulation where it excells, it will
load some games like Nine Princes in Amber which simply will not load on any other emulator. However, its more difficult to
use due to an over complicated dos interface. Still, this is a recommended emulator and one that you should have installed on
your system. It also emulates the PET and Vic 20, so you can load and run software for these systems as well.
Get from this site---The Offical Frodo 64 Home page
Frodo is possibly the best 64 emulator for Windows, as it uses DirectX to full effect, the quality of emulation is very high. Its
user interface is a bit weak and not as easy to use as it should be, but it does have most of the options you will require.
Running the 64 in a small window on your Windows 95 desktop is possible and with a fast pentium the results are impressive.
If you want an emulator compatible with Windows 95 then this is the best. Other machines are also catered for, versions for
Amiga and Macintosh and other computer platforms are available.
PC 64
Get from Here---Personal C64 Home Page
Although some users rate PC64 as one of the best 64 emulators. I think it is one of the worst - this is due to its clumsy dos
interface and it has a habbit of making the most simple tasks more complicated then they should be. The sound emulation is
the worst of any 64 emulator. The graphics are reasonably handled but some games have problems, e.g. Masquerade. One
advantage this emulator does have over every other 64 emulator is that it does run the Spinnaker titles superbly - Perry
Mason will work with this emulator, but it will not run on any other. So if you're a fan of Spinnaker titles then this is the only
emulator worth using.
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