w e l c o m e t o m a t 1 0 1 h o
m e o n t h e w e b
best viewed at 1024x768x16
for use
live show
Strange things happening recently, there are
reports of a mysterious organization fighting against us, some kind of
totally old-school SID squarewave terrorists, rumors tell that more can
be found out at MAT64
where there should be some kind of homepage..... We'll see how this goes
on.. meanwhile we'll try to protect ourselves with VCF resonant filters
and VCA envelope generators....
Other than that, mat101 side projects are
ready to get out of darkness, more info (and a separate homepage :) should
be there soon....
New livedate in Aarhus,
Denmark!!! (Selectricity - 13/12/1999)
Not so much updates on the site since a lot
of time........... s o r r y, but something we've been working really hard
on some side projects and in new Mat101 stuff... more news to come :)
New livedate in Gaeta
(Zulu - 27/12/1999)
The first promo copies of the Arcade remixes
EP are out.. watch out for it in January...
New livedate in Naples
(Magma - 6/11/1999)
News about the first Mat101 remixes EP: it
will be out very soon on Nature records and it will feature "Arcade" rebuilt
by Adult, D'Arcangelo, Mat101 and DeLisio..
Update after 4 months of silence.. sorry,
I had not much time to update the page :( . New live dates
at Ultra Schall (Munich, 4/9/1999) and Dynamo (Zurich, 3/12/1999)
New Flash animation added, built upon the
cover of the LP.
MAT101 "GOODBYE MUM" IS OUT!! available
both on double-vinyl and cd... contact Final
Frontier for orders..
The first Mat101 "Goodbye Mum" LP copies just
came out of the press... they will be out on 26/4/1999!
New Mat101 live at Pecci (Prato, Italy) on
17/04/1999 .
The LP release date has been shifted to middle
April... the remixes EPs are going to be released after the album
is out...
Mat101 new webpage is up (the first try).
The "Goblin101" single will be (hopefully)
released by the end of next week after a long delay =) , while the full
LP "Goodbye Mom" is expected to be out by the end of March 1999, preceded
by two EPs with remixes of the album tracks.. Check the Balance
homepage for further details...
is a Rome-based electronic group, formed by Mario Pierro, Francesco
De Bellis and Emiliano Tortora.
We have been releasing tracks since 1997,
on both Italian & European labels (Nature records, Plasmek, Millennium).
Our music style is a mixture of electro
beats, old arcade videogame tracks & some 80's new wave mood (however,
hear it yourself, the tracks are here =).
Now the first full-lenght LP is ready, it's
called "Goodbye mum" and features 13 tracks... it will be published by
Balance (Nature + Plasmek toghether). Click
here for a review of the album
The album will be preceded by the single
"Goblin101", which features a previously unreleased track ("Sintesi"),
and by two EP of remixes.
All the artwork of these two works has
been done by Infidel (Enrico D'Elia), who also provided the original pics
used to build this site & the flash animations..
are various excerpts from our released & forthcoming tracks...
These are in Real audio format, you may
need the last version of the player which can be downloaded for free at
web site
All these records can be found & ordered
online at Final Frontier
web store
From ENIAC EP (NAT2108) released
on Nature records in 1997:
From the compilation Dark
Side of the Sword (PLASMEK-005) released on Plasmek records
in 1997:
From the single Goblin101
(Balance01) :
here to view Goblin101 cover
more tracks & samples
will be out soon...
1999 live show
30/01 Link - Bologna - Italy
17/04 Pecci - Prato - Italy
04/09 Ultra Schall - Munich - Germany
06/11 Magma - Naples - Italy
03/12 Dynamo - Zurich - Switzerland
27/12 Zulu - Gaeta - Italy
2000 live show
13/05 Selectricity - Aarhus - Denmark
we are looking for new dates,
us for further information
Here are some pics from our live last year
in Bologna:

Write to Mat101 email
Or write to Final Frontier
this website is designed
& mantained by Mario Pierro (i know it's not that great but... :) -
artwork by Infidel (Enrico D'Elia)
people have been there since May, 2000