"I think I'm ignorant of being reacted to like a movie star. I've got to watch it now. I have to watch people's agendas now. I don't want to get cynical, but I know I have to be wary. I have to decipher who has good intent."

----- Matthew McConaughey - GQ, July 1997

"There's something really pure about ignorance. But then there's something really foolish about it, too. It's probably time for me to become more of a man."

----- Matthew McConaughey - GQ, July 1997

"Wooderson is a part of me that I like."

----- Matthew McConaughey - Premeire, December 1997

"I'm not this guy, but I know this guy."

----- Matthew McConaughey on playing Wooderson - Premeire, December 1997

"Wait a minute, I'm not that good. Don't go making me into such a great-looking birthday cake."

----- Matthew McConaughey on becoming unbalenced during "Matthew Mania" - Premeire, December 1997

"I've noticed that the best things have happened to me when I took a risk and came closest to failing"

----- Matthew McConaughey - "Bop" magazine

"I love to golf. It's really just between you and that dang ball. People think golf is boring, but I love that every time you take a shot you get a different result. For me the sport is a great mix of aggression and control."

----- Matthew McConaughey - "Jump" magazine

"I like a character with some kind of code--a line not necessarily drawn in the sand, but a line drawn in your head and your heart.

----- Matthew McConaughey - Interview, August 1996

"I'm sitting here thinking I feel real solid in my shoes. I'm crazy, but I'm not reckless. I'm a bit weird, but I'm not clinically insane."

----- Matthew McConaughey - Rolling Stone, August 1996

"I like a character who walks that fine line between insanity and genius.

----- Matthew McConaughey - Interview, August 1996

"I look at life like a freeway. You get yourself your seven lanes, enough room to go right and left, and your direction -- but then don't be afriad to take the exits. It's fun to get lost along the way, as long as you remember which direction you're going."

----- Matthew McConaughey - GQ, July 1997

"Yeah, today. A wave hit me after "A Time to Kill" that was an interesting sensation. Going from walking through life observing things to the next day sitting here and you are observing me, recording me. I'm starting to love my craft more and if I can be the best actor I can be, I am more comfortable with myself. This whole fame thing is pretty damned funny."

----- Matthew McConaughey when asked if he was becoming comfortable with his star status.

"He's tremendously talented. He's very serious about his work, and he's got an unbelievable screen presence." "It's a gift. You can't create it. You can hone talent, but either you've got that chemistry thing or you don't. Chemistry is what makes you a star, and McConaughey has it. He's going to be a giant, giant star."

----- Robert Zemeckis - GQ, July 1997

"There's no one that enjoys himself more than Matthew. He is the mayor of all good time."

----- Sandra Bullock - GQ, July 1997

"Before anyone had seen his first major role, Matthew was a pin-up, the most talked about man in America."

----- "Hollywood's Hottest Hunks #2", June 15, 1998

"Matthew McConaughey just might be the greatest salesman in Hollywood."

----- Celebsite

"He has that quality that's very rare -- he knows who he is. There's a sincere, truthful quality."

----- Richard Linklater

"Whatever woman gets him is going to have to get by me."

----- Sandra Bullock

"His secret is that he's this wild Texas boy who looks like the boy next door. It's the danger lurking behind those good looks that makes him so appealing."

-----Joel Schumacher on the subject of Matthew's undeniable charm